Wow! Conceals Can Make Us Disappear!


Hola Vicigers! Conceal in English means to hide. Conceal is also one skills in MLBB games (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) Which one heroes or items which uses skills it can disappear for a moment.

Items roam is good for use by heroes with a deadly Lockdown or CC. Rotation from heroes it will be even more effective because it is difficult to detect on the map.

This concealer is good when used by heroes who often sneaks and hides to target enemy cores, or who rotates the full team towards the objective quickly. Behind all the advantages, items this is less effective when used when defending because your position can be predicted to be on the base by the enemy.

MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) finally did a major update on June 15th 2021, with the release of patches recently, items roam and items the MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) jungle underwent a change.

In the patches the new one is aimed at saving slots items on jungler nor roamers. Patches recently MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) unified slots items jungler and roam inside items movement.

For those of you who don't use items jungler nor roamers, you can still buy items movements as usual. In this new system, the cooldown owned by skills Concealer is long enough, ie 80 seconds. However, heroes a team around you can enter camouflage mode and its movement speed can increase by 15-60% for 5 seconds.

In updates this time, there will be 4 choices skills new exclusive. in skills the player roam who obtains skills this without using gold at all. Among them namely Conceal, encourage, Favor and Direct Hits.

If Conceal can be activated to enter camouflage mode and raise Movement Speed, encourage Increases Physical, Magic Power, and Team Attack Speed, favors restoring a teammate's HP if using healing skills. Lastly, Dire Hit provides additional damage for targets with low HP.

This ability can be owned by heroes and items following:


Miya has ultimate skills type conceal, if Miya uses skillshis he will disappear in contrast to skills Lesley's camouflage or Natalia's Stealth.

If skills Lesley's camouflage, the enemy can still see the direction Lesley is moving but faintly, skills Natalia's stealth is also not included in one conceal skill.

Miya's ultimate skill name is Hidden Moonlight. When he uses this item besides disappears. He will also be released from all the debuffs that hinder his movement and get a full Moon Blessing stack.

Even though the workings of the Hidden Moonlight skill are simple, this skill is very useful to help him survive and escape from the pursuit of opponents.

Items Shadow Mask

roamer items this one has the effect to disappear in a few seconds. Not just one heroes course that hinders but all heroes near the user items it will disappear too.

Items You can buy this for 1,750 gold. Items it also gives points stat additional +700 Health Points and +10% Cooldown Reduction and +25% Movement Speed.

Items it has skills passive Devotion which can receive 2 gold and EXP every 4 seconds, you can also share it with your friends who are around.

Besides skills passive, items it also has skills active Conceal which can increase Movement Speed by 15% and lasts for 5 seconds. This concealer has time to cooldown for 60 seconds.

Items it is suitable for all heroes tanks both initiator and cover. The effect disappears from items this is useful when you want to initiate war so as not to be anticipated by the enemy. The mechanism is similar skills Miya's ulti will make you disappear and cannot be attacked.

Items this is suitable when used by heroes tanks like Minotaur, Tigreal and Akai. Besides that, items it goes well with items Rapid Boots, Dominance ice and Ice Queen Wand.

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