Jurassic World Game Review: The Game, Fun Duel Between Dinosaurs

Jurassic World: The Game
Jurassic World Reviews: The Games. Playing with dinosaurs in prehistoric times must be very tense but exciting. Let's go to ancient times in a place called Isla Nublar.
Jurassic World: The Game is a game whose main mission is to build a zoo filled with giant creatures. Provided over 150 species of dinosaurs to revive.
Jurassic World: The Game features well-known dinosaurs such as Majungasaurus, Triceratops, and Tropeognathus. Of course that's not all, because in this game players will also meet some of the idol characters in the Jurassic World movie, namely Owen Grady and Claire Dearing. Jurassic World: The Game is the latest game made by Ludia Inc.

Building Theme Parks

Playing Jurassic World: The Game, players have a mission to create a theme park with a dinosaur theme called Jurassic World. But instead of just setting up a playground, players can also take part in magnificent matches pitting dinosaurs. Here players can
witness the duel of Triceratops with Tyrannosaurus Rex Or Ichthyostega with Pteranodon. Of course very exciting and tense.

Manage Theme Parks

In principle, the game Jurassic World: The Game is a game to develop a vast park. Therefore, players are obliged to buy various types of dinosaurs from the shop, then place them in cages. It is the cage that the visitors watch where there is an entry ticket that will earn money. The money collected can be used to perform various tasks such as paying for food, upgrading, and much more.

Making Supporting Facilities

Players are also required to build various supporting facilities for the Jurassic World theme park. It could be furnishing it with a walkway, setting up a security office and adding some decorations for example a pool. Various things made by players certainly require time to wait, it's just that it will be faster to pay using a premium currency called Cash.

Park Expansion

The more various types of dinosaurs and buildings that are made, of course the area that is owned is running out. So, players also have to buy land located near the park as an expansion step. In the future, the dinosaur theme park owned by players will be both spacious and magnificent. The design
also follow the wishes of the players.

Upgrade Levels

so the collection of types of dinosaurs in cages in the game Jurassic World: The Game can be upgraded to the level they have. The trick is to feed regularly. Here, every time a dinosaur level increases, the stats increase which will become stronger.

Battle between Dinosaurs

The duel between dinosaurs is the most anticipated attraction in Jurassic World: The Game. Players can determine a team of three dinosaurs which will then be pitted against the enemy dinosaur team. The battle is managed entirely by the player. Players may determine the instructions to be executed for each turn. If you are able to defeat the enemy dinosaur team, that means the player will immediately get evolution points as well as new dinosaurs that can be obtained.

Complete Missions

Jurassic World: The Game is a game that adopts the story of the meeting between Owen Grady and Claire Dearing in the Jurassic film
World. Players will also be presented with this story by completing various missions offered, for example having to win in battles between dinos, redeeming new dinosaurs using Gold currency, to building a building.

PvP battles

If players really master the game, at level 25 they can also do PvP matches against other players. Various special prizes are provided if the player is able to win the PvP duel.

Realistic Visuals

Jurassic World: The Game offers two visual choices, namely when building a theme park that presents an isometric and visual appearance
when there is a duel between the dinosaurs. The duel is presented in a look that seems real in the form of three-dimensional visuals. Players can
watching some of the dinosaurs fight and roar like in a movie. What is also interesting, in this game provided 150
hatched dinosaur eggs.
This game, which is licensed by Universal Studios, requires Internet access to run. Even if the player suddenly experiences
If the Internet connection is lost, the screen will return to the title page and require Internet access to be reconnected. Even without
given the stamina mechanism, but the presence of a waiting time when constructing buildings or other facilities means that this game certainly cannot
resolved in no time.
In Jurassic World: The Game, microtransactions are also prepared in a market where players can buy cash. Cash is useful for buying various items as a step to speed up the game. So if you like the Jurassic World movie, there's nothing wrong with trying the game version. Enjoy playing Jurassic World: The Game.
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Sony Subrata

A game lover and likes to write about experiences in playing.