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Hanzo Counter Item Recommendations in Season 24 MLBB

You can use Hanzo's Counter Items in season 24 of Mobile Legends to beat him easily. No damage!
build Hanzo ML
Akuma Ninja – Hanzo. Source: VCGamers.

For Vicigers friends who want to know Hanzo's item counter to beat him, please check this page. VCGamers has made a list of recommendations for season 24 MLBB.

Hanzo is one of the best MMs and really annoying. This ultimate hero makes him the Ultimate Demon Ninja and leaves his real body in place.

Killing his demon form doesn't mean he's dead, but you have to kill his real body. But it's not easy to get close to him, because if he catches you, the devil will kill you.

So, to quickly approach and kill this MM hero, you have to use Hanzo's counter items so you can easily reach his real body. Vicigers friends can use the following Hanzo counter items.

List of Hanzo MLBB Counter Items

Apart from heroes, you can also use Hanzo's counter items to beat him in season 24. Here are Hanzo's counter items that Vicigers friends should use.

Wind Of Nature

Hanzo Counter Items

Because the Wind Of Nature item provides resistance to physical damage, you can deal with all physical hero damage in this item. For example Hanzo with great damage, this will make his damage unnecessary in 2 seconds.

With these three upgrades it will definitely hurt your hero and last a long time, both in single and team fights.

The passive is called Wind Chant, this passive will give your hero immunity to all physical damage for 2 seconds with cool down for 70 seconds. Duration is shortened when used by non-MM heroes.

Antique Cuirass

Hanzo Counter Items
Antique Curiass

Hanzo's next counter item is Antique Cuirass. Antique Cuirass has the same ability to increase strength, in fact the two things are very different.

If Brute Force might be the aggressive type of player, this item is perfect for a tank/tramp that only serves as a bag. Because of its passiveness, this object can reduce the opponent's physical attack by 10 percent in 2 seconds and can be stacked in three seconds.

Apart from that, this item will also provide an additional 920 HP, +54 physical defense, and +2 HP Rain. Apart from that, the Antique Cuirass item has a passive that helps counter physical damage from the hero.

Unique Passive – Deter: When hit by an enemy hero's skill, reduces his physical attack by 8 percent in 2 seconds. Its passive effect, which is a bit exaggerated, can be boosted up to 3 stacks.

Winter Truncheons

Hanzo Counter Items

Winter Truncheons not only increases magical power, but this item also increases physical defense and HP, making the hero automatically fatter.

This is a good thing, considering that it has a low price. This active item has a passive called Freeze, this passive freezes the user's hero and gives an immune effect for all damage and debuffs within 2 seconds.

You will not be targeted by other heroes at this time. This passive can save you at critical times or in various deadly combinations like Harley or Aldous.

But this passive can cause your hero to be unable to move when he is passively active, so you also have to have an escape skill to be able to save yourself or wait for help.

In contrast to WOD, WOD can make heroes immune to any damage within 2 seconds. But when this thing's effect is active, your hero freezes and doesn't do anything. 

This item can be used in almost all hero roles. Despite last year's regular MPL 8 season, Kabuki's Uranus had time to take a break from his team before using Winter Truncheon, which is on its way to prevent enemies from ganking. 


Hanzo Counter Items

The increase in HP and defensive items is very large and will certainly make your hero stronger and harder to kill. But that's not what makes this thing so popular, but passivity comes in handy.

Passive This item has a passive Immortal, this passive will resurrect 2.5 seconds after destruction. When activated, the hero receives 16 percent HO and a shield that can absorb 220-1200 damage in 3 seconds.

The passive cooldown is quite long, which is 210 seconds. This passive thing is very useful when you are critical, because during the awakening process you can wait for skills and spells to cool down or wait for team help.

Use Immortality items in Mobile Legend to get additional stats in the form of +800 HP and +40 physical defense. By adding more phones, you will definitely be stronger in the game and the level of resistance and endurance will be better.

This item's physical defense allows it to receive physical attacks from enemies strongly. We recommend using this item in late play because it will help you survive, even through the Immortality passive skill. 

Also read: Strongest Vexana Counter Item Recommendations 2022

Dominance ice

Hanzo Counter Items
Dominance Ice

Dominance Ice is also Hanzo's counter item. Dominance Ice is a defense item that is also very suitable for countering Marksman heroes because by using this item you get additional effects in the form of being able to reduce your opponent's movement speed by 10 percent and reduce your opponent's attack speed by 30 percent. Dominance ice is perfect for countering Marksman heroes in Mobile Legends. 

Use the items that we have explained above to counter the Marksman hero in Mobile Legends. The items above are the best list of items to counter Marksman heroes who have fairly fast damage and attack speed. 

Dominance Ice can also be used to fend off the dangers of MMs, like Hanzo for example. Once again, Arctic Cold's passive skill effectively reduces his attack speed.

Of course, this heavy reliance on Ice Dominance doesn't always work in every game. You have to combine it with other things and hero skills to get all the benefits.

Also read: Best Hanzo Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

This is an explanation of the recommendations for Hanzo counter items in season 24 of Mobile Legends that you can use. Make it useful and a good reference source for you. Hanzo's counter items that we recommend above to make it easier to deal with!

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