Listen! This is the list of the most OP heroes in Mobile Legends

The Most OP Hero in Mobile Legends

Reviews of the most OP (overpowered) heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang You can watch season 23 to find out. You need to know because MLB season 23 is here.

You need to know the most OP heroes in MLBB season 23. Of course, this has been eagerly awaited by Mobile Legends: Bang Bang players who want to push rank.

You need to know this row of the most OP heroes so you can be faster when you want to rank up. This article is expected to help you in choosing the hero you want to use in the game made by Moonton.

In season 23 you can have many choices of heroes that you can choose to defeat the opposing team while in a match.

However, this line of the most OP heroes is expected to help you when you want to push rank quickly. The following are the most OP heroes that you can choose for push rank.

The Most OP Hero in Mobile Legends

We will review and discuss the most OP heroes in Mobile Legends one by one. This is necessary so that we can both find out who is the most OP hero in the game.

The following is a row of the most OP heroes in Mobile Legends. The order on the most heroes list does not indicate the level of each hero.


The first hero we will review is Nathan. He is the most OP hero because he has great damage. The attack that Nathan gave was very painful and scared the other players.

With the great damage that Nathan can produce, he remains effective when you use him in matches against other teams in the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Also read: New Hero Nathan, Here's How to Use it!

Although, on the one hand the movement of the hero with the role as Marksman in this game can be considered relatively slow.

His main strength comes from the Stack which he gets from the passive skills he has. You can give a higher penetration effect if you do combo skill 1 with the passive skill of the hero.


Estes Build Hurts okay

The next most OP hero is Estes. This Hero with the role as Support can also make the opposing team afraid when you use it.

You will be helped when your teammates use Estes. Even so when you use this hero in the game. Because, this hero will help your teammate to regenerate HP with the skills he has.

Also read: The Painful Estes Build in Mobile Legends

Estes has an effective skill when teamfight. He can help a teammate hero whose HP is dying.

He also has a very useful crowd control effect to use. Because it can make it easier for him to run from the pursuit of enemies and chase enemies in the game.


New Hero Valentina Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

The next hero who is also OP is Valentina. His presence in Mobile Legends is called OP because he can imitate the ultimate skill of the opposing hero.

Valentina is indeed a tire customer. But, if not banned he can become a very scary hero while in the Land of Dawn.

Also read: How Strong is the New Hero Valentina in Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.34? Here's the Explanation!

Not to mention, Valentina also has skill 1 and skill 2 which are also terrible. Because, he can provide magic damage that drains the blood of the opposing hero when hit.



The next hero is Beatrix. He is very terrible with the abilities he has.

Beatrix users who are experts will make this hero with the Marksman role very terrible. Moreover, he has the ability to change weapons.

Also read: 5 Reasons for Beatrix's Damage to Be Strong in Mobile Legends!

It doesn't stop there, he can also clear minions quickly in the early game and the damage is of course very large.

The advantages of Beatrix will certainly make other heroes lazy to deal with her in the game.


The Most Op Hero

The next hero is Roger. He is a hero that you can use according to the conditions in the game.

Roger can turn into a wolf which then allows him to increase damage and attack speed in the game.

Also read: Demon Slayer x Mobile Legends: There are 3 very similar characters and heroes

You can adjust the skills he has with the conditions of the game. Both during the early game and during the late game.

Of course, you have to adjust it to the build that you will buy later to optimize Roger's skills.


The next hero that we will review as the most OP hero is Lylia. This hero has skills that can make other heroes eliminated when dealing with him in the game.

Lylia can do that even though the range of attacks that Lylia gives in the game is not that wide.

Also read: Lylia Mobile Legends Becomes an Annoying Mage in Season 20

This hero with the Mage role also has great attack abilities. He can deal great damage compared to other Mage.

Lylia can dominate Lane in the early game. Because, he can also eliminate enemies easily during the early game.


Edith's Painful Build

The next hero is Edith. The most OP hero in Mobile Legends has a role as a Tank and Marksman.

He can change his attack mode with the skills he has in the Mobile Legends game. In the right hands, this hero will be very effective in fighting.

Also read: Edith's Painful Build in Mobile Legends

Then, Edith also has crowd control which is very useful for you to use during teamfights. In addition, he also has the ability to throw the enemy backwards.

Apart from that, this hero can also be a roamer and offlaner while in the game. These two positions are certainly very effective and make him very scary in the game.

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