Healer character Genshin Impact maybe in the past for some players it was considered less important to put in party.
Players tend to rely more dodge and character shielder to protect the character to stay alive when fighting enemies.
Player views seem to have changed after launch updates Inazuma at updates Genshin Impact especially on updates 2.1.
New monsters that have new mechanics are quite challenging for players.
Monsters like Rifhound and Wolflord have an effect corrosion. This effect will drain the character's HP and it's a shame to use it shields will have no effect on the effect.
Despite use shields still you need so you don't get damage more than physical attacks, you still need healer so that your character does not always lack HP.
Fortunately a variety of characters healer presented by Genshin Impact with different healing abilities.
Every healer it has capabilities that you can adjust to the needs and combination of your team.
Various choices healer you can get use. Choice of 4 star and 5 star characters healer
Genshin Impact is presented with various elements that you can adjust the usage and party combinations that match your DPS.
5 Star Genshin Impact Healer Character

Jean is a Genshin Impact 5 star character that you should build as healer for your team.
Even though you might be quite annoyed because Jean is a frequent character spook when you pull Character Wish Banner, it's undeniable that if you get Jean you have to build this character.
Jean is one of the characters healer The best Genshin Impact. You can act the Grand Master of the Knight of Favonius build as DPS or support.
builds Jean is pretty easy too. You just need to use artifacts with stat The bonus Anemo DMG and ATK or ATK% and Jean's ability to heal characters are so good that your character's HP will immediately be full.
Each of Jean's abilities can also increase HP. Elemental burst from Jean has a large AoE so you can use it to improve damage because anemo gives swirl.
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Sangonomia Kokomi

Sangonomia Kokomi is character healer Genshin Impact which is also very good.
The plan is for this Hydro element user character to get rerun in the second period update banner 2.5 so if you need healer, you can get this character.
Kokomi's ability is interesting because it really contributes to the battle.
Elemental skills Kokomi will issue a water manifestation in the form of a jellyfish which besides being able to attack, can also heal your character if it is near the jellyfish from Kurage Oath's attack earlier.
His passive buffs are adjusted to increase the effectiveness of his summoned heals as well as his personal regeneration stats.
Besides that, skills This passive can increase the power of his Hydro attacks to make them more effective in battle.
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You can use Qiqi as healer at a time play your DPS.
As a character healer Genshin Impact, Qiqi may be a little more passive than healer other. But you can build Qiqi if you need character healer and play DPS with Cryo elements at once.
cryo damage resulting from qiqi big enough that it could be very you choose to be damage dealers.
elementals skills from Qiqi will summon an ice spirit that rotates around the character. This ability will be very good for you to use during explorations that require characters to cross the sea.
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4-Star Genshin Impact Healer Character
The choices for 4-star Genshin Impact healer characters are far more numerous and varied than 5-star characters. The following are the characters healer 4 stars:

It is undeniable that Bennett is the best 4-star character that you must have build.
Besides as healer Genshin Impact, Bennett can also be as buffers capable of increasing damage your DPS.
Bennett is a complete package character that should be on your team. As healer Bennett has the ability healing which is very fast, even including the fastest compared to the character healer other.
Fantastic Voyage which is elemental burst from Bennett who can increase up to 70% HP from Bennett with constant.
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Though not used often, Noelle's stat combination makes her one of a kind healer The 4-star Genshin Impact that you should take into account.
skills healing from Noelle counted (scale) Based on stat DEF Noelle, one stat which you can easily get in various artifacts.
Noelle is also a versatile character. You can use Noelle as healer also as shielder.
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Healers is probably the first word you think of when you see Barbara.
You can get this character for free when you have completed it quests Archons.
All of Barbara's attacks were good elemental skills and burate elementals can provide enormous healing.
As healer Genshin Impact, Barbara's strength is calculated based on HP so it's very easy to do built.
If you manage to get the constellation Barbara at C6, you can revive your dead character with full HP.
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Xingqiu is a character healer Genshin Impact that you must build if you have this character
Xingqiu's position as healer Genshin Impact and also support can be used almost all DPS with any element.
No wonder Xingqiu has been named one of the best 4-star characters besides Bennett.
Elemental skillsl and elemental burst Xingqiu, which is shaped like a sword that surrounds the character, will regenerate HP after the duration runs out.
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If you are looking for Jean seeker as an Anemo element user for swirl and also can be as healer, Sayu you can choose as healer on your team.
Sayu's ability as healer Genshin Impact comes through reactions because every time he triggers Swirl, all your party members will regain up to 300 HP.
Ability healing Sayu will be more effective when Sayu uses it elemental burst-his.
Just like Jean, Sayu's healing power is calculated from the amount of ATK, so it's very easy for you build.