5 Most Painful Hayabusa MLBB Counter Tricks, Makes You Shrink!

Hero Mobile Legends

In this article, we will discuss how to counter Hayabusa Mobile Legends. This MLBB hero has the nickname of a killer with shadow speed. Hayabusa is a hero who has the ultimate skill which is very troublesome for his enemies, because Hayabusa's ultimate skill cannot be stopped.

Hayabusa is indeed one of the most 'unlawful' heroes in Mobile Legends. You must be very difficult when dealing with Hayabusa one on one. At a time like that, the possibility of winning against Hayabusa is very small. Not surprisingly, many Mobile Legends players are looking for ways to counter Hayabusa.

However, did you know that Hayabusa also has a weakness. Even though it's fast, there's still room for the enemy to kill Hayabusa. Want to know the most effective way to counter Hayabusa? Come on, let's take a look at Hayabusa's counter, which can make this hero shrink.

How to Counter Hayabusa in Mobile Legends

Against Hayabusa at a Safe Distance


Long-range and one-on-one combat with Hayabusa is a nightmare. He is a hero with the fastest ulti skills, his skills have a very fast attack power and the damage is still very painful.

The best way to beat him on the lane is to use a hero who can both attack and keep his distance.

Heroes like Jawhead, Sun, Kaja, Saber, Cyclop can be a good choice because to overcome the agile Hayabusa, you need a hero who can lock. That is, most likely you should be able to target Hayabusa with a hero who can lock his movements.

Use Hero Burst Damage and Crowd Control

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Hayabusa's movements are indeed fast, but only when using skills. Movement tends to be fragile and can be caught with ultimate lock type skills. Heroes like Cyclops, Kaja, or Sun can easily immobilize Hayabusa in team battles.

Paquito is indeed not a hero who has quite a strong defense like Balmond or Hilda, but his damage shots are indeed higher and dangerous because his ulti is very fast and deadly.

Understanding when to cast skills to deactivate Hayabusa is the way to beat it. Of course Paquito could be the best choice.

Can Counter with One Item

Winter Truncheons

Apart from the 5 heroes that we mentioned earlier, Hayabusa can also be countered with one of the magic type items, namely Winter Truncheon which has active skills and can make your hero invulnerable (not damaged), this item is perfect for fighting the ultimate Hayabusa which has high skills. can't be fought.

Don't let you not use the Winter Truncheon item when dealing with Hayabusa. You could have been killed in seconds when dealing with Hayabusa. It's better for you to do a gank with a Tank, if indeed you don't have the Winter Truncheon item.

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Fight with CC

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When the enemy gets the Hayabusa hero in the match. One thing you need to do to counter Hayabusa is to fight him using CC heroes. Hero CC in Mobile Legends can make Hayabusa's movements not free.

Be it as a roamer or midlaner, having CC is very important for your team to counter Hayabusa. Hero CC is a natural enemy for Hayabusa who is known to be very OP.

If in a team you don't use CC at all, it's certain that you and your teammates will have difficulty countering Hayabusa.

Use Antique Quirass Items


The Antique Quirass item is a very useful defense item as a counter for Hayabusa. For those of you who play roamers, it's perfect to use the Antique Quirass item for defense damage from Hayabusa. 

Antique Quirass items provide additional HP 920, 54 physical defense, and 4 HP Regen. Antique Quirass has the most effective passive item defense against Hayabusa, namely when hit by Hayabusa, eight percent of the physical attack will be reduced by eight percent.

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Those are some of the ways to counter Hayabusa's pain and can make this hero shrink. It's better to be careful and don't let yourself be 'eaten' by Hayabusa's ultimate skill.

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