Edith's Best Mobile Legends Gameplay Tips, Traumatize Enemies!

Item Counter Edith

Playing Hero Edith cannot be careless, because this hero is quite difficult to use and is the first Tank Marksman hero in Mobile Legends. Here, we will share with Vicigers friends the best Edith gameplay tips in Mobile Legends that can traumatize enemies.

Edith, the Overgeared warden who oversees the Evil God who was sealed on Sanctum Island has finally arrived in the Land Of Dawn in this patch update. Since his release, he has raised a storm on the battlefield as the first Tank/Marksman hero.

He specializes in crowd control and explosions and has very strong strength as a marksman, as well as continuity as a tank. We have previously done a detailed hero analysis of Edith when she appeared on the MLBB advanced server. 

In this Mobile Legends guide, we will look at Edith's best gameplay tips in Mobile Legend that you need to know.

The Best Edith Gameplay in Mobile Legends

As previously discussed, Edith is the first Tank/Marksman hero. He specializes in crowd control and explosions and has very strong strength as a sniper, as well as continuity as a tank.

However, a player must have a good understanding of Edith. According to the gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Edith Mobile Legends guide covers early game, mid game and also late game.

Early Game

Best Edith Gameplay

At level 1, unlock Skill 2 if using Edith as a roamer or unlock Skill 1 to go the other way. When laning continuously use Skill 1 and Skill 2 to harass the enemy and force them to remember or use their Battle Spell.

Use Skill 2 to engage the enemy and follow up with Skill 1 for chain crowd control.

Mid Game

Best Edith Gameplay

Keep an eye on the map and assist teammates in securing vision such as killing turtles, stealing enemy buffs, or creeping while clinging to your lane. Clear waves of minions as fast as you can and rotate around to secure the target. IN mid game, the best Edith gameplay will be with the right combination of builds.

Late Game

Best Edith Gameplay

Edith became very dangerous after only a few items and she was in her flight state during her active Ultimate phase hitting like a nuke in the face. The damage is so good that it almost breaks.

Engage in teamfights in Phylax mode using Skill 2. You can also use Edith's Ultimate as a flashing skill to avoid hazards like Vales Ultimate. This last Best Edith Gameplay is a must for you to do, because Edith also still has her weaknesses.

Unfortunately, you have to be careful with some heroes who can easily counter Edith. They were Harith, Benedetta, Lancelot and Tigreal. Never force yourself to push yourself against them. You could have been killed early and get ganked.

You can play with Edith's new hero as a roaming tank or you can use it on the gold lane or exp lane in Mobile Legends. When starting out, try to focus on the item build.

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If you use it while roaming, must support teammates to complete their builds. The skill can make the opponent's Cc. Always play with a hero mage or team marksman.

When Edith cast a skill, she was overloaded for three seconds. Within this duration, her introductory attack triggers Chain Lightning, which deals extra magic damage to up to four nearby enemies.

Equally, it is his punch and laurels in the laning phase as it allows him to erase his speed swell.

Edith was pretty strong as she was now almost always banned in draft ranks. If you want an easy way to rank up, save Edith's choice when drafting.

However the opponent has Edith try to pick her counter mentioned in this guide in team comp. These best Edith gameplay tips will definitely help to guide easy wins with Edith in Mobile Legends.

Also read: Introducing Edith, the First Tank Marksman Hero in Mobile Legends

That's all for Edith's best gameplay tips in Mobile Legends today. Do Vicigers friends prefer to use Edith in some other way? Let us know in the comments section below!

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