In fact anyway, indeed there is no obligation for anyone to be obliged to have headsets while playing games, but it's rare and almost never seen by a person gamers don't use it. For them, play games feels more complete when they really monitor the progress of scoring points not only from what is seen by the senses of sight, but also want to hear the excitement of sound effects from games what they play.
But in practice, it's not uncommon for most people to sometimes still zonk in selecting options headsets. I've paid a lot of money, but the product is not worth it. Relax, it has been described here in detail by choosing a tutorial headsets seen from the point of view of usability, price, and comfort for the wearer. Come on, let's check it out this way!
1. Headphones or Headsets, anyway?
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A moment here Wait a minute, don't tell me you haven't know the difference? If you often assume that a headset is a kind of hearing aid that is usually connected to a cellphone that is small and usually placed in the ear, that's called earphones.
Headsets or headphones also the same, they are also hearing aids that are connected via a PC or cellphone, but their shape is somewhat larger, almost the size of a head and that is the reason why it starts with the word 'head'. Difference headphones and headsets only one, that headsets no connector microphone, whereas headphones there isn't any.
2. Connectivity with Analog Devices or Wireless via bluetooth?
When choosing gaming headsets, make sure the connectivity matches your device. For wired or other terms wired headsets, generally equipped with a 3.5 mm analog cable. port is commonly used as output device audio. However, not all devices are now equipped ports 3.5mm audio. Now,, for this one matter, back to each individual, first check the device before buying and if you can match it directly.
However, if you have already fallen in love with the product, as an alternative, you can also choose a product with USB cable connectivity, either Type-A nor those Type-C. Both are equipped with cables. Please note, the type of connectivity wired will transmit sound more smoothly.
However, along with the development of technology, wired headsets are now shifting to wireless features. This device is suitable if you don't want to be 'enslaved' by cables. So, later you can activate gaming headsets via connection bluetooth. However, the drawbacks of using wireless headsets is that the connection can experience interference, especially if devices such as PCs or cellphones that are connected are more than 5 meters apart. The connection could be lost in the middle of the road.
As an alternative, use a product with USB connectivity wireless receivers if you want to avoid it. The product has a more stable connection in comparison bluetooth even though they don't use cables. Another drawback is that you have to pay attention to the battery charge. Naturally, wireless headsets it is equipped with a special cable charging.
In fact, it turns out there is too gaming headsets flexible in terms of connectivity. The product can be connected with or without cables. When used to play games PC, cable connectivity can be selected to get a smooth connection. Meanwhile, connectivity wireless will make it easier for you when using the product for free mobile.
3. Weight Gaming Headsets
Usually here, gaming headsets made with light weight. In fact, almost no product weighs up to 400 g. Products weighing under 300 g are usually classified as very light.
If your head has ever experienced fatigue after using headsets, try to choose ultra-light products. While the difference in weight is slight, it's a good idea to choose a lighter product so you don't experience the same thing.
Now,, meanwhile before We discussed how to choose headsets that fits your needs, price, and device. Look forward to the continuation on part 2 after this. Previously, don't forget, don't miss it to always get it updates the latest and complete news about games. Starting from game reviews news, tips and tricks and so on. Straight to follow account Instagram VCGamers and channels YouTube yes. Come on! Join the community at Discord VCGamers, community gamers the biggest in Indonesia.