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Best Wukong FF Character Combo in March 2022

You can use Kelly and Hayato as a combo with Wukong FF characters. They will be very useful in battle.
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In March 2022, you can do a combo on the Wukong FF character so you can add skills. That way getting Booyah is not impossible.

After updating OB32 Free Fire, the abilities of some characters were reworked and buffed to improve the experience. Wukong FF's character abilities have been updated and have become a widely used character with active abilities.

Camouflage allows the user to turn into a bush for a maximum duration of 15 seconds. This transformation stops when the player attacks an enemy. In addition, there is a 200 second cooldown which also resets when the user defeats an enemy.

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Because the Wukong FF character has active abilities, the other three characters in the combination must have passive abilities.

You need to remember that the choice of character combination depends on the player's preference. The list below is based on the opinions of VCgamers. Characters are also not repeated to present a wider choice to the user.

List of the Best Combos for Wukong FF Characters

Wukong + Jai + Jota + Hayato

Wukong FF characters

Reloading Jai's rampage automatically refills the gun's magazine by 45 percent. This skill is limited to AR, pistol, SMG, and shotgun. Sustained Raids immediately restores 40 HP on every kill with a shotgun or SMG. However, there is a cooldown of 5 seconds.

With every 10 percent decrease in the user's maximum HP, Bushido increases armor penetration by 10 percent. If the user has an awakened Hayato, frontal damage will also be reduced by 3.5 percent for every 10 percent loss in maximum HP.

Users can easily use this combination for close combat. Using the Wukong FF character's abilities, the user can approach enemies and then annihilate them with SMGs and rifles.

Jai's abilities will reduce the need to reload frequently as they will reclaim ammo, and Jota will replenish health points. Also, with the reduced HP, they will have additional armor penetration.

Wukong + Antonio + Kla + Shirou

Wukong FF characters

Users will receive an additional 35 HP at the start of each round when you use Antonio. Muay Thai increases boxing damage by 400 percent.

When an enemy hits a player from 80 meters away, the enemy will be tagged for 6 seconds. The first shot at a marked player will deal 100 percent additional damage. In addition, there is also a cooldown of 20 seconds.

This character combination is only useful for Clash Squad mode. There is a limited area of the map available, and most of the combat is close. Antonio's abilities provide additional health points at the start of each round.

Kla's increased fist damage can also be useful after players sneak up on their enemies. Meanwhile, Shirou's increased armor penetration can deal heavy blows to opponents.

Wukong + Kelly + Moco + Dasha

Wukong FF characters

Kelly increased sprint speed by 6 percent. If players own Kelly the Swift, they can also benefit from Deadly Speed which deals 108 percent damage after the user runs for 4 seconds.

The shot enemy will be marked for 5 seconds. This information will also be shared with teammates.

Partying On will reduce fall damage by 50 percent and reduce recovery time after falling by 80 percent. In addition, the maximum recoil and recoil buildup is also reduced by 10 percent each.

Kelly's Dash will allow the user to quickly reposition the map, while information obtained after tagging enemies will be shared with teammates.

This can be used to decide the game. Reduced recoil buildup and maximum recoil will help the user to spray enemies easily.

This combination can be used to carry out long-distance combat. You can also replace Kelly with Laura and also use a sniper rifle in a better way.

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Wukong + Shirou + Maro + Kelly

Wukong FF characters

If an enemy hits the user within 80m, they will be tagged for six seconds due to the damage dealt. This tagging will only be visible to the player, and their first shot at this opponent will have an additional 100 percent armor penetration.

The cooldown on this skill has been reduced to ten seconds at maximum level with the OB32 update. 

Maro has the Falcon Fervor skill, where the player's damage increases with a distance of up to 25 percent. In addition, the individual damage dealt to marked enemies increases by 3.5 percent.

Kelly increases the gamer's sprint speed by a total of 6 percent, allowing them to rotate around the map at a faster pace.

Also read: These are the Reasons Why You Should Use Kelly in Free Fire

Those are some of the best combinations or combos that you can pair with Wukong FF characters. Let us know in the comments column, if there are other combos for Wukong FF characters.

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