Update Patch 3.02 Valorant!
Hello vicigers, on this occasion we will discuss the 3.02 valorant patch update. In the previous patch, many bugs were found, one of which was the peek sage bug in the breeze map. And in patch 3.02 this bug has been fixed by riot games, because many players are very disturbed by this bug.
Previously, the major update added various tweaks, map changes, and bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players still encounter a number of problems when trying to play online games.
and here we will discuss what are the updates and fixes in this latest patch, here is the explanation:
- Changes made to the way clippings are counted, which should result in less clipping overall in your gameplay
- Added gap between Match Rank and Leaderboard Ranking for Immortal+ rank in Hover Card UI
- Sage can no longer place his Barrier Orb between the pyramids in Breeze to make a silver peek.
- Fixed the KAY/O texture being applied to weapons when he was re-stabilized during NULL/cmd(X).
- Removed the ability to place Boombot Raze through some walls.
- Addressed a bug where Tim's volume would always reset to 50.
- Addressed an issue where the scroll bar in the Social Panel would sometimes display incorrectly.
- Fixed the pixel border surrounding the Unranked icon in the Hover Card UI
Just now is the update and fix that Riot Games did for the latest patch this time. As the vicigers know the most noticeable bug in the previous patch is the wall sage bug that can peek between the pyramid breezes when the sage is walling between the pyramid breezes.

above is the difference before and after the fix of the latest patch of riot games, and starting from the release of the latest patch sage can no longer make silver peek like that anymore.
and secondly there is a fix for the kay/o texture that is applied to the weapon, in the previous patch the texture from kay/o did interfere with the gameplay of the players. And in this patch, players will no longer be bothered by this bug.

Riot Games also fixed a bug from Boombot Raze that sometimes could penetrate several walls, and caused many players to suffer from this bug. Players don't just stay silent and report the bug to riot games. And thankfull for Riot Games, which received all the players' input and concerns and fixed the bug.

In the previous patch, Valorant experienced a bug where the team's voice volume would always be reset to 50. This bug greatly disrupted communication between teams and caused lost contact with the team.
Because many players don't use Discord to play together with their party friends, and in the end Riot Games fixed the bug this time.

Following are some discussions of the bug fixes from Riot Games for the Valorant game, it must be admitted that in the previous patch Valorant experienced lots of bugs that Riot Games had to fix, and in this patch Valorant has fixed all of the complaints from gamers.
And it is possible that in this patch in the Valorant game there will be new bugs that riot games must fix. Because in every update, there are always bugs left or new bugs popping up.
Valorant riot games players are advised to report if players encounter unwanted bugs when playing to riot games directly via the website riot or valorant. so that riot parties immediately accept and deal with any bugs or disturbances in the game, and players can also feel comfortable when playing games.
Maybe the discussion on Update Patch 3.02 Valorant ends here first, and see you again in the next update.
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