The first season of the new Dragonflight expansion for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has begun. With it, players get access to high-end content. This of course raises questions. What's the best class? What's the new meta?
The most popular role in this composition is as DPS. This allows players to focus solely on their performance, while having less responsibility on important things, such as healing and enemy control.
The competition is high, every class in the game has at least one DPS specialization, and no one wants to be left behind just because they are among the worst classes to play in Dragonflight.
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This is why we at WowVendor created this review for you. Hopefully the information below can help you learn the worst DPS classes in Dragonflight. Without further ado, let's get started.
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Meta in Raids
Let's start with the Vault of the Incarnates. When it comes to raids, meta is the most important thing in Mythic development. Obviously, it varies from meeting to meeting.
To be in the top tier position, players must attack opponents with a high level of damage. And has some valuable utilities for groups as well.
Let's see that it is on various Dragonflight Worst DPS tier lists.
Survival Hunters
Suffers from the general fragility of all hunters and they don't have a decent defensive cooldown or self defense.
Compared to other DPS, they must specialize in dealing damage to single targets or AoE.
In addition, in Survival Hunter it is mostly close combat even in some encounters they can lose time.
Retribution Paladins
They have below average damage, be it AoE or single target.
They have several defense utilities like Devotion Aura, but it can be defended by the Holy Paladin.
Then, they are not very mobile, and cannot attack from a distance, which means they can lose time in a potential battle.
They also need some numbers tweaked by the developer to be viable.
Arm Warriors
These tough boys and girls need extra help from others to survive, like Windfury Totem of the Enhancement Shaman. With this, their numbers increased significantly. But without someone else to step up to, their damage might feel less.
Just like Survival Hunters, they have to focus on one form of damage, they can't carry both at the same time.
In terms of utility, they can deliver Battle Shouts or Rallying Cry, but there is a high chance of attack from the Protection Warrior.
Marksmanship Hunters
These snipers, like their melee counterparts, are among the worst DPS class specs. In terms of damage, they have one of the strongest AoE bursts in the game.
Some believe such an explosion is reason enough to make them fight multiple targets. Others think Beastmaster is a safer choice for progression if your raid requires a hunter.
Affliction Warlock
For DPS, they provide a lot of utility and also have high survivability.
What makes the Affliction Warlock one of the most unwanted classes in the Dragonflight raid scene? The answer is the lack of damage dealt to the target.
They have increased AoE potential, but the difference between the other specs and this one in overall damage is just too great. So it's better to bring another Warlock for their utility.
This was the situation with classes at the start of season 1. But what you need to know is that the worst DPS meta is never set.
Various changes from Blizzard have been tested on PTR, and raiders will need to try new tactics and interactions to level up.
And don't forget that improving personal abilities is very important in this game! Currently, as more and more people completed raids, according Warcraftlogs, the bottom five classes with the worst performance were Destruction Warlock, Shadow Priest, Survival Hunter, Frost Mage, and Fire Mage.
So even if your specs aren't, in theory, the worst, you still need to push those buttons!
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Metas on Mythic+
Determining the worst meta DPS in Dragonflight for M+ is a lot harder than raids. Each dungeon has its own pack and boss, which makes tiers more preferable in some environments than others. Weekly affixes add another layer. They completely change the performance of one spec for a week depending on new conditions.
Just like in raids, the overall requirement for DPS is to have high damage possible and give the party unique utility. And the groups are much smaller, some choices weigh even more than before.
So, according to Dragonflight's worst DPS rating log, the bottom five specs so far are Survival Hunter, Arms Warrior, Fire Mage, Destruction Warlock, and Affliction Warlock.
As you can see, the results show us that some of the classes that underperformed in raids also did on M+. The reasons are the same, flawed in numbers and too one dimensional. The two Warlocks fell short of the Demonology specs in terms of numbers.
The same can be said of Hunters, Survival and Beastmaster being completely outshone by Marksmanship's insane amount of AoE Burst.
Arms Warriors must choose between single target or AoE. This makes their overall damage subpar.
As for Fire Mages, they may need some number tuning, as another spec, Arcane, is currently the best DPS on Mythic+.
Perhaps, the results of the first week of Season 1 were like this due to Dragonflight's poor class balance, and that could change.
Already a few nerfs and buffs are in the test, and next week's additions could make others shine!
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We hope this small review helps you understand the situation with the current meta.
Let's hope Hunters will stop being one of the worst DPS classes in 2023.
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Whatever you do, don't forget to have fun! See you overcome the challenges of Azeroth!