Aloha Vicigers! Awareness Team in games Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is a level of alertness to ambushes or attacks from opponents as a strategy to achieve a victory.
It takes cooperation and information from one player to another. In other words, Awareness Team this is observing where the enemy is going and giving that information to offline heroes or sidelanner heroes whose job is to look after lanes alone.
On Mobile Legends game there is mini map which is in the upper left corner of the screen, this is the main key to see where the enemy is visible mini map, keep an eye on the movement of the enemy that is disappearing from mini map and see 1 teammate who is doing teamfight or being chased by an opponent.
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In using heroes Hanzo, awareness team this is very much needed for the player hanzo. because heroes it has no mechanism skills good escape and rely only battle spells like Sprints, Flickers or other.
So playing Hanzo really depends on teammate communication. Not only applies to Hanzo, all heroes very dependent on Awareness Team this.
Hanzo is heroes which have Assassin roles where does he have durability very high. This is because Hanzo is alone Assassin has thin blood and easy to die if not mastered Map Awareness and Awareness Team.
This is something that must be mastered by all Mobile Legends players. Here are some explanations regarding skills owned by Hanzo.

skills Passive (Demon Blood)

Heroes Hanzo doesn't have a mana bar or energy bar right below his HP or health bar. However, that empty bar is the bar for Passive Hanzo later. To power on skills Hanzo's passive is enough to use skills 1 to minion until minion it's dead.
When Hanzo is near minion or Jungle Monsters dead even heroes dead opponent, Hanzo's passive will activate by gathering some energy when he is near minions, Monster Jungle or heroes dead opponent.
skills 1 (Ninjutsu Demon Feast)

skills this should be upgraded when games started, because skills This 1 can steal jungle monsters fight by doing bass attack first for 5 times to jungle monsters or minion.
After doing bass attack to jungle monsters or minion, new skills 1 Hanzo is active and can steal jungle monsters from opponent.
When bass attack has been collected as much as 5 times, just point it in the direction jungle monsters which one will be stolen by being swallowed by skills this.
skills 2 (Ninjutsu Soul Reap)

On skills this Hanzo issued a sharp thorns coming out of the underground that issued physical damage by 160, when minion or heroes hit opponent skills this and then will result in an effect slow from skills this. Every stab given by skills it will deliver skills passive Hanzo, that is Demon Blood.
skills 3 (Kinjutsu Pinnacle Ninja)
On skills this is Hanzo's body emits a kind of spirit and leaves his original body and can float to target enemies. Duration of skills This is influenced by the number of passives Demon Blood that have been collected.
Unique from skills These Hanzos, everyone skills when he was still a human changed in skills 1st and skills 2 of them. Another uniqueness is that when Hanzo's spirit dies, his real body doesn't die too, only his spirit dies and returns to his original body.

So in short, this Hanzo is heroes very dependent on skills his and passive as a second life for Hanzo namely Demon Blood and Ultimate skills the one where Hanzo's spirit leaves his real body, which can be hidden deep behind the team's tower or inside bush or grass.
So, heroes Hanzo really needs a name awareness map and team awareness as a form of vigilance against enemy ambushes. Where when Hanzo turned into a spirit, heroes the opponent will definitely look for where the location of the original body is.
Apart from Hanzo, everyone Mobile Legends heroes this really needs a team awareness to win the match.
This is because Mobile Legends game can be won by a team that has good cooperation, good communication and mutual protection between heroes. Because it would be useless if we have skills which is good, but in terms of cohesiveness and poor teamwork, still skills what we have is useless.
So let's start with learning what a team is awareness, what's that awareness map and other important terms on Mobile Legends game. If a cohesiveness and teamwork has begun to form, then the match will be easy to win.
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