When Mobile Legends Closed is a rumor, gossip and issue that has gone viral in 2022. This rumor has affected all Mobile Legends players and caused many cons.
Then, how did it actually happen?
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News About When Mobile Legends Is Closed

Question when Mobile Legends closed has spread with an answer in the form of a certainty date, which is June 5, 2022. However, this news is in fact just a figment of the imagination.
Starting from a screenshot on social media which is believed to come from the official Mobile Legends media. The screenshot contains a post with the conclusion that the Mobile Legends game will close on June 5, 2022.
The reason is because Moonton was accused of seizing Intellectual Property Rights belonging to similar MOBA games Riot Games, i.e. LoL or League of Legends. Moonton considered to have "cheated" the appearance or skills of several heroes in the LoL game for heroes in the Mobile Legends game.
Even though the news of the closure has never happened until now, the case of impersonation or hero plagiarism committed by Moonton is true. Riot Games has also filed a lawsuit against Moonton not to do something like that.
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Causes of Mobile Legends Closed

There were several disputes that occurred between Moonton and Riot Games. Starting in 2017 where the first lawsuit occurred. Riot Games accuses Moonton of infringing copyright on the Mobile Legends game title.
Riot Games initially filed a lawsuit against Federal US to demand accountability from Moonton, but the suit was rejected. It doesn't stop there, in 2018 Riot Games with its parent company Tencent Holdings forward a lawsuit against the Chinese government.
The lawsuit filed against the Chinese government was ultimately successful. Tencent Holding managed to win the end of the trial with 2.9 million dollars.
It didn't stop there, another lawsuit continued on May 9 2022. This time, Riot Games alleged that Moonton had stolen content and marketing strategies from LoL and Wild Rift games.
The theft of content contains plagiarism of LoL's heroes created by Moonton. Moonton's plagiarism has been a concern for Riot Games for a long time. It is known that there are 15 heroes and hero skins imitated by Mobile Legends from a game made by Riot Games.
List of Copied Heroes Mobile Legends from Game LoL
When will Mobile Legends be closed is probably a question whose cause comes from the list of heroes copied from LoL games and Wild Rifts the following.
Skin Pool Party Fanny, Nana, Clint and Zilong

Remember the beach party themed skins owned by the heroes Nana, Fanny, Clint and Zilong? Apparently, the skin theme is the result of an adaptation of the beach theme skin from the LoL game called Pool Party. Here's the full name.
- LoL's Party Jarvan IV with MLBB's Summer Waves Zilong.
- LoL's Pool Party Zoe with MLBB's Sundress Nana.
- LoL's Pool Party Graves with MLBB's Sun n Sand Clint.
- LoL's Pool Party Viora with MLBB's Lifeguard Fanny.
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Alucard skins

The phenomenal hero Alucard in Mobile Legends also has a skin that is believed to have copied the appearance of a hero from LoL named Garen. The skin that Alucard imitates is skin "Lightborn Strikers”.
As you know, Alucard's skin was released in December 2019, while the LoL hero named Garen has been around since June 2018.
Skin Baxia

There are funny things about Baxia skin "Ba-Tender". The skin is considered to be very similar in terms of clothing, hair, mustache, stature and even the color of the skin's clothes to Braum's "Crime City" hero skin from LoL.
Actually, there are still many heroes and skins from Mobile Legends that bear similarities to the heroes and skins from LoL and Wild Rift games. However, it is the list above that has been judged to be very similar so far.
Marsha's Opinion About the News When Mobile Legends Is Closed
Marsha or real name Steven Kurniawan is the name of a former professional Mobile Legends player who is now the founder of the Ax Gang team. Previously, he started his career as an MLBB pro-player by joining the RRQ team.
Marsha had time to give his opinion and opinions regarding the issue of when Mobile Legends was closed which had gone viral.
According to Marsha, the possibility of closing the MLBB game is very small because the game has a lot of fans. More clearly, he concluded that MLBB heroes and skins that look similar to the LoL game will eventually only be revamped to make them unique.
Regardless of the circulation of this info, when Mobile Legends was closed is a hoax info that cannot be swallowed whole.
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Thus the discussion regarding the news regarding Mobile Legends which will close on June 5, 2022. We hope this article is useful!
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