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2 Genshin Impact Patch 2.4 Web Event Has Started, Collect Free Primogems!

Genshin Impact is a game made concurrently with the Event "Fleeting Colors in Flight" patches 2.4, various web events Genshin Impact also presented by miHoYo. Players will get various attractive abundant prizes.

Genshin Impact itself is a game made by developer miHoYo which was released in 2020. This game was once named the best mobile game of 2020 and won many awards since its release.

Also read : Genshin Impact So Best Mobile Games 2020 Google Play version

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This event takes place according to the theme game events currently underway is the Lantern Rite which is being held for the second time since it was held in 2021. There are 2 character rebanner held namely: Zhongli and Ganyu. This character is known to be a character that many players want.

As a player, especially those of you who are F2P or who don't spend money, it is very difficult to get both because collecting primogems is not easy. Therefore, web events like this are a place to collect primogems.

The 2 Genshin Impact web events that were held were "Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues" and "The Great Banquet of Adepts".

You will be asked to do various things quests requested and then rewarded with Primogems, Hero's Wit, etc. What is it like and how to play the event? Let's look at the following article.

Genshin Impact Web Event “The Great Banquet of Adepti”

Genshin Impact web event

“The Great Banquet of Adepts” will be held from 28 January 2022 to 6 February 2022. You will be asked to do several tasks to get the Shimmering Shell. To start, you can click here.

The tasks requested are: logging into the account every day, completing the Daily Commission, using original resin, and collecting treasures through Salvage at Sea. All tasks will be reset daily at 4am (server time).

You will collect a maximum of 800 Shimmering Shells every day. The total required for Shimmering Shell collected will later be used to open existing areas. 

The total number of Shimmering Shells needed to open the 3020 area. Later, the open areas will give prizes in the form of primogems and other prizes, 

110 Primogems will be obtained if you have opened a total of 5 areas and will receive 120 primogems automatically in the game mail. The areas you have to unlock are: 

  • Wish Upon a Lantern – 25 Primogems
  • Luck and Abundance – 25 Primogems
  • Iridescent Kites – 30 Primogems
  • Splendid Fireworks – 30 Primogems
  • Jade Delicacies : 10 Primogems

All areas that have been opened will later open a new area called “Teapot Spirit's Blessing”. The rest of the Shimmering Shell that you have collected can be used to exchange other prizes in this area. The rewards that can be exchanged are Liyue specialty items such as Jueyun Chili, Glaze Lily, Lotus Roots, etc. 

Genshin Impact Web Event “Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues”

This event is held for 10 days from January 29 to February 7 2022. This web event will ask you to make a greeting card. 

You just click link This is to start participating in web events. Log in to your account using your UID, username, email, and so on.

The procedure for doing this event you will be asked to make and decorate the greeting card requested by Coocoo. Choose the setting you will use, decorate it with items, and various Liyue characters such as Hutao, Ganyu, and Shenhe.

You can share the greeting cards that you have made with Hoyolab and other media. You will get Popularity Points which can be collected up to 150 to get prizes.

Tasks carried out in the form of making greeting cards, getting inspiration, distributing greeting cards, and seeing designs from various players.

There are various levels of Popularity Points which will later get prizes. The Popularity Points levels are:

  • Level 1 (Popularity Points 30) : Adventurer's Experience ×5
  • Level 2 (Popularity Points 60) : Mystic Enhancement Ore ×5
  • Level 3 (Popularity Points 100) : Primogems ×60
  • Level 4 (Popularity Points 150) : Mora ×50,000

The greeting card design that you share with Hoyolab will get a special avatar frame from this event. Make sure to save and share your design.

2 Genshin Impact web events added to the range of prizes given by MiHoYo as New Year's gifts. You can also get a total of 10 intertwined fates and other prizes when you login to your account.

Check updates more news about Genshin Impact on VCGamers via Instagram : @vcgamers ok!

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