In this article, the main topic of discussion is regarding the best Fortnite weapons that are still meta in July. This discussion will continue several previous articles such as: the newest Fortnite weapon and also some characters that can be found in Chapter 4: Season 3.
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4 Fortnite S-Tier weapons that are on meta for July 2023
So, now, let's get straight into the discussion about the 4 weapons Fortnite which is still meta.
You can really try all of them immediately after reading this article. Don't forget to leave a testimonial too! Here are some of them:
Thermal Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR)

For the first weapon, we will depart from the Marksman Rifle class, namely the Thermal Designated Marksman Rifle or Thermal DMR. This weapon has a semi-automatic type equipped with a body temperature-based scope feature.
In accordance with its class, DMR is suitable for long-range combat, and is the newest weapon in this season of Chapter 4: Season 3.
The weapon that was introduced in Chapter 3: Season 3 has great damage – relying on the Medium bullet type as ammunition. That way, with only 1-2 bullets, targets that are at a certain distance can be easily knocked down.
Combat SMGs

The next meta weapon comes from the Sub Machine Gun class, namely the Combat SMG. First introduced in Chapter 3: Season 2, this weapon carries an automatic type with a high fire rate.
With such firepower, it is only natural that the barrel needs to be 'fed' light bullets (Light Bullets).
From these specifications, Vicigers must have guessed that this weapon is more suitable for close-mid range combat.
Cybertron Cannon

The third place is for the Explosive Weapon class: Cybertron Cannon. This relatively new weapon was first introduced in Chapter 4: Season 3. According to its class, this weapon is more suitable for producing splash damage in the form of an area of effect (AOE).
Uniquely, this weapon does not use any ammunition! Cybertron Cannon needs to be charged, and in one reload it can be charged twice. And with such a large capacity, it's only natural that this Cannon can deal enormous damage!

And the last one again comes from the Explosive Weapon class, namely the Rocket Launcher. Unlike the three weapons above, Rocket Launcher uses Rockets type ammunition. In a way, this weapon is one of the oldest in this game and is still meta until now.
First introduced in the pre-season phase, its fire rate is so low – of course as an explosive weapon this is normal. The damage it generates is also AOE. That's why this weapon is suitable for long-range combat.
Also read: Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2: New Start Date, Skins and Maps
So, those are the four Fortnite S-Tier weapons that are still meta as of July 2023. How about Vicigers, are these four weapons included in your use list in this Chapter and Season? Or do you have other weapon recommendations?
If so, please also leave recommendations for your version of the best weapon in the comments column provided.
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