In the game Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, weapons are a very important item to have. Then, which weapons in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love are the strongest?
To be able to defeat enemies easily, you must need a good weapon. Because, in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love a very strong weapon has always been a determining factor in strength in defeating enemies or monsters.
Therefore, here are some of the best and strongest weapons in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.
Elder's Hammer

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Elder's Hammer is the strongest weapon suitable for use by jobs like Alchemist / Creator / Genetic.
This weapon has high damage power, apart from that the Elder's Hammer is also equipped with a damage card, so that the power of Elder's Hammet becomes very large and difficult to fight against.
- Item Type : Weapon – Mace
- Drop From: Stormy Knight (Toy Factory 1F)
Also read: Build Status & Skill Monk Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Storm Pikes

Apart from the Elder's Hammer, there is also another weapon from the same boss, the Storm Pike. Storm Pike is a very suitable weapon for knights or other jobs that have an atk of 345. Apart from that, Storm Pike can also add damage to water-type monsters.
- Item Type : Weapon – Spear
- Drop From: Stormy Knight (Toy Factory 1F)

Finger is the strongest weapon suitable for job champion / monk / shura. This weapon will significantly increase physical attack damage, which is equal to 320 points.
Apart from that, Finger will also increase the damage from the Asura Strike skill.
- Item Type : Weapon – Knuckle
- Drop From : Spashire (Clock Tower 1B)
Also read: Build Rogue Bow in Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love

Kronos is a very rare staff-shaped weapon. You can get this weapon from the Dark Lord for the job Wizard / High Wizard / Warlock. Apart from adding M.Atk 205, this weapon also adds HP and Int.
- Item Type : Weapon – Mace
- Drop From : Dark Lord (Glast Heim Churchyard)
Doom Slayer

In the game Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love, Baphomet is one of the most talked about bosses. And will appear as one of the bosses in the main quest when you reach level 55.
Apart from the main quest, Baphomet also appears as one of the MVP bosses at Glast Heim Hall.
- Item Type : Weapon – Axe
- Drop From: Baphomet (Glast Heim Hall)
Also read: How to Change Jobs to Become a Hunter in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Saint Weapon

Saint Weapon is a weapon that you can get from the coupon given at the start of the game.
You can exchange this coupon at the machine south of Prontera.
By using 10 coupons, you can get random saint equipment, starting from accessories, garments, or weapons.
The uniqueness of this saint equipment is that every time it reaches level 10 its abilities will increase, so along with the stronger the character, this weapon will also get stronger.
Even though it's not from an MVP boss, the power of this holy weapon can't be underestimated.
Thus our discussion this time regarding weapons in the game Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love which are very strong.
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