Aloha Vicigers! Hero Angela is one hero support in game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Hero Angela has skills which is very useful for friends in a team.
It is very popular and often used when playing ranked mode. For players who will use heroes this one, here are the things that need attention. Curious? Let's check this out!
Understand Angela's Hero Skills
Heroes Angela has 4 skills unique and useful. The following skills owned by Angela:
- skills passive: can increase the maximum up to 30% when skills this is used, besides skills this can be felt by heroes possessed by Angela.
- skills 1 Love Wave: can issue a wave of energy in a predetermined direction, and can provide damage by 170 and delivers marks to the enemy.
- skills 2 Puppet on a String: can issue puppet to the targeted opponent.
- Ultimates: Angela can possess or enter the bodies of her teammates, in addition to giving shields to heroes.
Use Build Items right
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when using heroes this, build is one thing that becomes very important, because it is very influential in performance heroes Angela.
Watch the Beginning and End of the Game
When using Angela, you can't play carelessly. When starting the game Angela focused on helping heroes in one team, you don't need to focus too much on push turrets or farming.
Take note Hero Skill Combo Angela
Combo skills is something that needs to be considered and also mastered, for example use skills one for effect slow to the opponent then use skills secondly to the target, then use it skills passive continuously towards the opponent until the opponent will be affected immobilize and then killed.
Items suitable for Heroes Angela
As is well known, that Angela has ultimate skills with damage which can be very painful opponent. In order for Angela's strength to be maximized, the following is items to use:
Wizard Boots

Items that must be purchased ie Wizard Boots, because items it has a uniqueness of +40 movement, can get +300 HP, and also a unique passive in the form of helping team members kill opponents which will make Angela get 80 gold.
Enchanted Talisman

Items Next thing to buy is Enchanted Talisman, because items this will add +250 HP, +20% cooldown reduction, and also +50 Magic Power.
Unique passive items it can deliver which regene +10% every 10 seconds. This is very necessary, because Angela is very wasteful in use where at the start of the game.
Ice Queen Wand

Then, items The third thing to buy is Ice Queen Wand. Items this can give +15 where is Regens +7% movement speed, +75 magic power, and also the unique passive that is in items this is if skills Angela hits the opponent, then the opponent will experience a reduction movement speedits as much as 15% for 3 seconds and will also experience stack 2 times.
Necklace of Durance

Items next recommended to buy namely Necklace of Durance, because items this will give +300 HP, +70 magic power, +5% cooldown reduction, and also the unique passive contained in items this is when skills Angela hits the opponent, it will reduce the effect regen 50% for 3 seconds.
Dominance Ice

Dominance Ice Items this will give +70 armor, +5 Crit, and also +500 where. Besides that, Chance Reduction and also the unique passive possessed by items this is that it can weaken the attack speed of 30% from nearby opponents.
Defense items this is very suitable for Angela because of the unique passive that is owned by items this could help Angela become a support reliable.
Courage Bulwark

Items The last one that is recommended is Courage Bulwark, because it can provide +45 HP regen, +770 HP, and also the unique passive possessed by items this ie can raise 10% attack power and also defense for team members as well as for minion those around heroes Angela.
Spells which is suitable for Hero Angela
Battle spell Flicker is highly recommended for use by hero users with this thin HP, to make it easier to escape from a desperate situation.
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