Definition Content Creators and Netizens
Term contentcreators now often heard in the ears of the public. How come? A contentcreators can be defined as a person who 'creates' or 'makes' one or more of the many 'content' or 'content' that contains information in various media.
Now,, primarily and generally a contentcreators have a close relationship with digital media, in this case the goal is to promote their content.
Their own content is tailored to the segmentation of society in increasing numbers viewers of the content they create.
So, from this definition, a person can be categorized as contentcreators if he has shared some information in a media that was witnessed by one or more than one person.
Then, what are netizens? Netizen is an acronym from the combination of the words "Internet" with "Citizen" which when combined will become "Internet Citizen".
Literally this netizen can be interpreted as a term for digital media users who listen, watch, or read information from someone contentcreators.
So, it can be concluded that these netizens are the opposite of the term contentcreators itself.
Viewers, What for anyway?
In the era of all-sophisticated as it is today, it turns out, to be a contentcreators can generate hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of rupiah from just sitting in front of a computer, you know. How come can?
Now,, a contentcreators these generally create content that is in their area of expertise at something. Then, they upload the content to a digital media so that it can be watched by viewers or readers, whether it's in the form of videos, or pictures, or articles.
Furthermore, the number of netizens who watched, read or listened to the content is counted in named units viewers.
So, the more the number of viewers of a content, the more advertisements will come to sponsor the content they want to create.
No half-hearted, the value can be very large! In fact, earnings from advertising on platforms digital media can cost around US$1.5 or the equivalent of Rp.20,464 per 1,000 viewers which, if one considers contentcreators has one million viewers, then he will get US$1,500 or around IDR 20.47 million.
So, are you interested in becoming a contentcreators?
What is the Best Digital Media for Content Creators, anyway?
In fact, there is no measure that can judge which is the best digital media one should choose contentcreators, but it's good one contentcreators adapt their content to existing digital media.
This is very important for those who want to distribute some information regarding claim tutorials redemption code Free Fire, for example.
Some people can access it in the form of videos or regular articles on the web website certain.
Of course it would be very strange right if one contentcreators displays screenshots in the form of writing in the article and presented in the video?

Now,, as we know, the biggest video page that is generally accessed is usually via YouTube.
However, many netizens also like it scrolling content on platforms which is nothing else TikTok.
In fact, it is reported that Youtube will compete with Tik Tok by funding up to almost Rp. 1.4 trillion to increase trend among netizens themselves.
It turns out guys, who compete is not just each other contentcreators, but also each other platforms digital yes, Hehehe.
That's what it's for contentcreators must be smart in choosing which digital media allows information from the content they want to convey to increase the amount viewers.

Please share, Tips and Tricks-his!
For those of you who have been in the field for years gaming, start customizing what content you want to show, or present in digital media.
If you prefer to present content in audio-visual form, then it's a good idea to try presenting your information in a video by uploading it on platforms such as Youtube, Tiktok, or Instagram and Twitter.
If you prefer inward content serving tips and tricks in the form of words such as information about style tutorials gamers, there's nothing wrong with you trying to use blogger or wordpress, as well as Instagram and Twitter.
As much as possible, you make your content as informative andanti-mainstream possible. Make netizens feel that they are not wasting their time just listening to information that is unclear, weightless, useless, and they don't like.
Give a reason why they should come back to see you in your next content by adding other creative ideas that you haven't tried.
Then, adapt the content here as well according to your abilities. Not uncommon, one contentcreators it wants totality to be true in beautifying its content.
They are willing to buy a lot of equipment vlogging sophisticated way of presenting their information. However, it all comes back to how capable you are.
If you feel that writing content in an article is enough, then adjust it to your qualified writing skills. This also applies to uploading your content freely.
If your ability to upload the most content is three times a week, then you must make that commitment and don't make netizens wait.