Vindicator Minecraft is an aggressive mob that looks similar to commoner, merchant, and wizard characters.
They belong to the Illagers classification. What sets them apart from the other characters, they have large gray skin, puffy eyebrows, and a style of clothing that depends on their occupation.
For those of you who are curious about this character, let's see more about Vindicator Minecraft in the following article!
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Who is the Minecraft Vindicator?

As we already know, Minecraft's Vindicator is one of the mobs included in the Illagers classification. They usually appear on woodland mansion and participate Raid occurs.
Raid is an event in the game where there are waves of various kinds of mobs that appear and attack a village. The mob that often appears is Illagers.

A raid can occur if a player with the Bad Omen status effect enters a village. Bad Omen can be obtained when the player and tame wolves kill a Captain Illager.
Vindicator is an aggressive mob and they are equipped with an iron axe. When they appear, the Vindicator will run towards their target and attack them with an axe.
Minecraft Vindicator Behavior

The Vindicator is very aggressive towards players, Iron Golems, adult villagers, merchants and Snow Golems. In the Bedrock Editon, Vindicator will not be aggressive towards players on Peaceful difficulty but will still attack other mobs.
When not doing anything, the Vindicator crosses their arms like a commoner with an ax in stash. When they don't have any weapons, they will attack using both hands.
During Normal and Hard modes, the Vindicators are part of raid can destroy a wooden door.
Like the other Illagers during raids, the Vindicators celebrate by cheering when they kill an entire population or destroy multiple mattresses.
An armed Vindicator can deal damage of 7.5 x 3.75 to 19.5 x 9.75 depending on the level of difficulty the player chooses.
Vindicator is on par with Piglin Brutes where they both provide the third most melee attacks following Golem in second place and Warden in first place.
The effect of Vindicator's ax attack can disable the player's shield for 5 seconds. This effect will also be felt even if they are riding a Ravager.
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What Items Does Vindicator Carry?

Just like other mobs, Vindicator also carries several items that they will drop after being killed by players or tame wolves. Here is the list.
- 0 – 1 Emerald when killed by a player. This can be increased by a maximum of 1 for each Loot level.
- Chances are 8.5% to drop their iron axe. The odds will increase by 1% per Looting level with random resistance.
- 1 Ominous Banner (in Java edition) or Illager banner in Bedrock Edition if they appear as Raid Captains. If a Vindicator appears as part of a Raid, they will take down Emerald 0-1.
Also, in Bedrock Edition, Vindicator has a 65% chance to drop the following items on Easy and Normal difficulty modes. Odds will increase by 80% when players use Hard mode.
- 0-1 Emeralds
- 2-3 Emeralds
- 4-5 Emeralds
- 1 Enchanted Book
- 1 Iron Axe
- 1 Iron Boots
- 1 Iron Chestplate
- 1 Iron Helmet
- 1 Iron Leggings
- 1 Iron Pickaxe
- 1 Iron Shovel
- 1 Iron Sword
So that's an article about Vindicator Minecraft, a type of mob that falls into the Illager category. Hope this helps you better understand this character!
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