Hero Lesley Who yeah?
Hola Vicigers! Hero Lesley! Heroes Marksman Mobile Legends: Bang Bang the deadliest because it has damage very big, very agile and difficult to kill. Lesley has an attack type bursts. How, cool isn't it heroes This Lesley?

Lesley as a mainstay sniper, has skills passive kills the opponent in one shot. Especially long-range attack that can produce damage very high from a great distance.
Passive skills that Lesley has is Letnal shoot, when heroes Lesley did not accept damage in five seconds then basic attack-it will have a wide range. Gave 49% critical rate with 1.3× physical damage.
Besides Passive skills, heroes Lesley has 3 active skills, the first ie skills one or master of camouflage. Lesles will enter camouflage mode for three seconds and add movement speed 30% and physical attacks 50.
skills second or tactical grenades that is heroes this one can throw grenades or give bombs damage by 150 (+50% total physical attacks), causes also an effect knockback to the opponent and Lesley will succeed in jumping backwards.
The last one is skills three or ultimate sniper, heroes this one can lock a target into its firing range and fire four rounds, each one delivering damage 200 (+80% extra physical attacks) + 5% from MOBILE PHONE the target has been lost as physical damage.
Item Build Recommendations
builds the right and right will make heroes this one be overpowered and invincible. builds suitable for heroes one of these is swift boots, windtalker, endless battle, berseker's fury, scarlett phantom and blade of despair.
Swift Boots will give heroes this one +15% attack speed which will trigger critical attacks. Then windwalkers is one of build best for heroes Lesley, build this can add attack speed, movement speed, and critical chance specifically for heroes Lesley.
Berseker's fury is a combination of +40% critical damage from Berserker's Fury and skills passive heroes this one (extra 35% critical chance) will guarantee damage the big one. Then scarlet phantom is build which gives damage a painful and triggering addition attack speed and critical chance make heroes Lesley is scary.
Endless battles build which must be used heroes this one because it can give you extra damage and reduction cooldown. Then the last blade of despair which will add up physical attacks which is useful for conquering enemies with low HP.
In early game heroes this one plays very high because it will really determine his fate later on late game. At the time on early game heroes Lesley was advised to walk towards gold lane, which is lanes best for heroes marksmen.
Lesley will get a lot gold from para minion Until the end heroes this one is easy to get rich and have damage Very large.
Don't forget to focus on early game for farming with the aim of self-enrichment, protection turret and destroy turret enemy. Just relax in this phase, don't rush to play bars yes!
When farming in early game, heroes this one must take advantage of its advantages, namely by using Pillager's Ax build first because he will give defense and bonuses damage for heroes Lesley on jungle monsters so it can do farming easily.
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There are some tips that can be done heroes Lesley at the time war, because when doing war at will heroes Lesley will be a burden on the team! The first heroes Lesley had to keep her distance, at times war can't be on the front line.
Second, heroes Lesley suggested using skill combos one and basic attacks to kill an enemy, always make sure in advance that the intended targetlock is heroes which has the lowest durability.
The last tip is to use it skills ultimate when there is a target that is almost dead or dying, and also use it to create folder.
On late game, Use skills ultimate this is for check bush which is close to the position heroes. Good luck! Hopefully heroes Lesley your champ to be heroes hurt and invincible!