Venti Genshin Impact is one of the best Support characters in games Genshin Impact.
As the first 5 star character released at the start games Genshin Impact begins, Venti's popularity as a Support never drops updates 2.5 now, when this article was created.
Sale rerun banner Vent on updates 1.4 is still high, thus proving that Venti Genshin Impact is still being targeted by players.
The suitable role for Venti Genshin Impact is Sub-DPS (Burst DPS) or Support because skill-her ability to increase the reaction of the great elemental Swirl.
Venti is also a Crowd Control character that you must have because skillsit will be very useful when you use it for various enemies.
Any DPS will basically suit Venti as a Support or Burst DPS.
Venti Genshin Impact Build Recommendations

This article will cover all the recommendations build Venti starts from priority skills, artifacts, to recommendations for weapons that are suitable for Venti Genshin Impact.
Recommended artifacts and weapons for Venti are aligned with already released artifacts, with new artifacts being added throughout updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Build Venti Genshin Impact
Venti Genshin Impact is a 5 star Genshin Impact character who uses Anemo elements with weapons bow or arrows.
Normal Attack Venti consists of 6 consecutive attacks that deliver physical damage to the enemy.
As a Support or Sub-DPS you won't really need it skills This means you don't need to upgrade your Normal Attack talent.
You will prioritize Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill Venti which will really help you in the war on world.
You will also really need the Venti Genshin Impact skill in Spiral Abyss lately where you will need Support Crowd Control to face lots of enemies.
Crowd Control is one of the Support functions in Genshin Impact besides healer and buffers.
This CC or Crowd Control will collect and control enemy movements so that it will be easier for you to attack and deliver damage the maximum.
Some CC in Genshin Impact is the Anemo character who can also give damage of the elemental Swirl reactions.
Venti, Kaedehara Kazuha, and Sucrose are CC characters that are mostly used in Genshin Impact.
Also read: Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact, Beginners Must Know So Pros!

Venti's Elemental Skill is Skyward Sonnet, will create an Anemo area (domain) around the enemy area.
This skill will make the enemy fly into the air and will fall again slowly to the ground, so your DPS will be able to attack easily without any interruption from the enemy.
You can also long press Skyward Sonnet (hold) which will make the Anemo area bigger and be around Venti so you can use it to fly,dodge from enemy attacks or Plunging Attack.

Elemental Burst from Venti Genshin Impact, namely Wind's Grand Ode Venti will make a storm or vortex very big wind.
This ability will pull all enemies in the vortex of the storm so that they cannot move and are hit damage AoE Anemo.
You can also create elemental reactions with other characters by adding elements to the Elemental Burst Venti Genshin Impact storm circle earlier so that it will damage from Swirl.
As a Support talent or another Venti ability called Windrider will reduce the stamina usage of the characters on the team when you are gliding or fly.
So that as a Support Venti character it will be very good for you to use it when exploring world or even when fighting enemies. You can see Venti's other abilities in Collected Mischellany Venti:
Prioritize Genshin Impact's Venti Skill you on Elemental Burst first, only after that you can maximize Elemental Skill level.
Since you will rarely attack using Venti, you can neglect to maximize Normal Attack.
Also read: Tier List for Genshin Impact March 2022, Who's the Best?
Artifacts Suitable for Genshin Impact Venti Builds

Swirl is the main power of Elemental Burst Venti Genshin Impact because it will help your DPS to produce damage even bigger.
Stats what you should prioritize for Venti Genshin Impact are Elemental Mastery, Crit Rate/DMG, and Anemo DMG Bonus.
The greater your Elemental Mastery, the greater damage resulting from the reaction of the elemental Swirl from Venti.
Crit Rate/Crit DMG and Anemo DMG Bonus will help your Venti provide greater Anemo DMG, apart from damage Swirl.
You will also need Energy Recharge as sub-Stats however are not a priority.
This is because when Venti uses Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill, Venti is able to generate his own particle energy to use abilities skills Venti.
Besides that Energy Cost Venti and duration cooldown also not too big so it doesn't require a large Stat Energy Recharge.
Also read: Listen! Complete Genshin Impact Elemental Reaction Guide
An artifact suitable for build Venti Genshin Impact for now is Viridescent Venerer and Noblesse Oblige with Viridescent Veneer is the best option for use by Venti.
4 sets of Viridescent Veneers will provide additional Anemo DMG Bonus, Increase Swirl DMG by 60%. Reduces the enemy's Elemental RES to elements combined into Swirl by 40% for 10 seconds.
4 Sets of Noblesse Obliges also good where it will give Venti Genshin Impact a bonus Elemental Burst DMG of +20% and increase the ATK of all party members by 20% for 12 seconds after Venti uses Elemental Burst.
You can also use a combination of these 2 sets where 2 sets of Noblesse Oblige will provide additional Elemental Burst DMG of +20% and 2 sets of Viridescent Venerer will provide additional Anemo DMG Bonus +15%.
Also read: Genshin Impact Artifact Guide You Need to Know!
Weapon Recommendations for Build Venti Genshin Impact

Almost all 5-star weapons for Venti that have a Crit Rate/ Crit DMG sub-stat would be highly recommended as weapons 5 star weapon for Venti Genshin Impact.
3 recommended 5 star bows are Polar Star, Thundering Pulse, and Skyward Harp because they will give additional Crit Rate or Crit DMG.

A 4 star weapon suitable for build Venti are Viridescent Hunter, The Stringless, and Windblume Ode.
The Stringless is the most suitable weapon for Venti because it will provide additional Elemental Mastery from sub- st bow the.
Viridescent Hunter is also very suitable for Venti because it will provide additional Crit Rate.
Windblume Ode is bow another which is also very suitable for Venti because it can add Elemental Mastery.
Sadly bow you can only get this from events Windblume which was already held on updates 1.4.
But remember events The Genshin Impact Lantern Rite is held twice, there is a possibility that Windblume will also be held again and you will have the chance to get this weapon back.