Various ML Roles You Must Know
In-game Mobile Legends (ML), there are several roles, such as Marksman, Tank, Fighter, Support, Mage, to Assassin. Furthermore, each role has its own role.
As we know, Mobile Legends is a 5vs5 game that requires strategy and teamwork to achieve victory.
Meanwhile, team composition plays a very important role in forming a strong team. This is because each role has its own duties and functions in each lane in the Land of Dawn.
Therefore, you need to know more about the various roles in ML. What are they? Find the answer by reading this article to the end.
Also read:
Various ML Roles You Must Know

Furthermore, here are various ML roles that you must know along with their functions and duties in order to form a strong team:

The first ML role is Marksman. Meanwhile, heroes with the Marksman role usually have high physical attacks and attack speed.
In addition, Marksman also acts as a damage dealer when a team war takes place. No wonder, Marksman is often targeted for ganking before a team war occurs.
As a damage dealer, Marksman needs complete items to be able to provide high damage. Therefore, Marksman is always in the gold line position so that he can buy items quickly.
You need to remember, playing as Marksman must be able to keep your distance and pay attention to positioning. If you ignore both of these things, then your team could lose the damage dealer and lose in the team war.
In full, here is a list of heroes who fall into the Marksman role:
Hero Name | Role – Hero Type |
Mia | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |
Bruno | Marksman – Finisher/Burst |
Clint | Marksman – Finisher/Burst |
Layla | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |
Yi Sun Shin | Assassin/Marksman – Finisher/Chase |
Moscow | Marksman – Finisher/Chase |
roger | Fighter/Marksman – Burst Finisher |
Karrie | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |
Irithel | Marksman – Finisher Burst |
Lesley | Marksman/Assassin – Finisher/Burst |
Hanabi | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |
Claude | Marksman – Burst/Chase |
Kimmy | Marksman/Mage – Damage/Magic Damage |
Granger | Marksman – Burst/Finisher |
Wanwan | Marksman – Finisher/Burst |
Popol & Kupa | Marksman – Push/Burst |
Brody | Marksman – Burst/Finisher |
Beatrix | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |
Nathan | Marksman – Burst/Magic Damage |
Edith | Tank/Marksman – Control/Burst |
Melissa | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |
Ixia | Marksman – Finisher/Damage |

Next, there is the role Tank which usually has high HP and defense. In addition, Tank heroes are also equipped with crowd control effects in each of their skills.
Based on this, Tanks usually become the 'body' of the team to receive all damage given by the opposing team. Furthermore, Tanks also have an important role in opening team wars and ganking the opponent's damage dealers.
Meanwhile, Tanks often accompany heroes with Marksman or Mage roles who usually have low HP to avoid enemy ganking.
Meanwhile, here is a complete list of heroes in Mobile Legends who have the Tank role:
Hero Name | Role – Hero Type |
Akai | Tank – Guard/Crowd Control |
Franco | Tank – Initiator/Control |
Minotaur | Tanks/Support – Crowd Control |
Lolita | Support/Tank – Guard/Crowd Control |
Alice | Mage/Tank – Charge/Regen |
Johnson | Tank/Support – Support/Crowd Control |
Hilda | Fighter/Tank – Damage/Regen |
Gatotkacha | Tank/Fighter – Crowd Control/Burst |
Grock | Tank/Fighter – Crowd Control/Initiator |
Hylos | Tank – Guard/Initiator |
Uranus | Tank – Regen |
Belerick | Tank – Crowd Control/Regen |
Khufra | Tanks – Initiator/Crowd Control |
Esmeralda | Tank/Mage – Regen/Mixed Damage |
Terizla | Fighter/Tank – Burst/Crowd Control |
Baxia | Tank – Support/Damage |
Masha | Fighter/Tank – Push/Damage |
Carmilla | Support/Tank – Crowd Control/Damage |
Atlas | Tank – Crowd Control/Initiator |
Barats | Tank/Fighter – Damage/Crowd Control |
Gloo | Tank – Regen/Control |
Edith | Tank/Marskman – Control/Burst |
Fredrinn | Fighter/Tank – Damage/Chase |
chips | Support/Tank – Support/Crowd Control |

Meanwhile, there are heroes with roles Fighters which has a balance between damage and defense. Which means, Fighter heroes can be the 'body' during team war while giving damage to the enemy team.
Usually, heroes with the Fighter role fill the Exp lane so they can level up quickly. Of course, Fighter heroes also have a role as initiators in team wars thanks to their skills that can lock enemy heroes.
In addition, Fighter heroes also have the task of disrupting enemy jungler heroes so that they cannot farm quickly.
Meanwhile, the following are heroes who fall into the Fighter role:
Hero Name | Role – Hero Type |
Balmond | Fighter – Damage/Regen |
Alucard | Fighter/Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Bane | Fighter/Mage – Push/Burst |
Zilong | Fighter/Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Freya | Fighter – Chase/Damage |
Chou | Fighter – Chase/Control |
Sun | Fighter – Push/Damage |
Alpha | Fighter – Charge/Damage |
Ruby | Fighter – Crowd Control/Regen |
Hilda | Fighter/Tank – Damage/Regen |
Lapu-Lapu | Fighter – Chase/Burst |
roger | Fighters/Marksman |
Gatotkacha | Tank/Fighter – Crowd Control/Burst |
Grock | Tank/Fighter – Crowd Control/Initiator |
Argus | Fighter – Charge/Burst |
Jawheads | Fighter – Charge/Burst |
Martis | Fighter – Finisher/Charge |
Kaja | Support/Fighter – Control/Charge |
Aldous | Fighter – Burst/Support |
Leomord | Fighter – Chase/Burst |
Thamuz | Fighter – Chase/Damage |
Minsitthar | Fighter – Initiator/Crowd Control |
Badang | Fighter – Charge/Burst |
Guinevere | Fighter – Burst/Magic Damage |
Terizla | Fighter/Tank – Burst/Crowd Control |
X. Borg | Fighter – Regen/Burst |
Dyrroth | Fighter – Charge/Burst |
Masha | Fighter/Tank – Push/Damage |
Silvanna | Fighter/Magic Damage |
Yu Zhong | Fighter – Regen/Damage |
Benedetta | Assassin/Fighter – Chase/Burst |
Khaleed | Fighter – Damage/Regen |
Barats | Tank/Fighter – Damage/Crowd Control |
Paquito | Fighter/Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Phoveus | Fighter – Regen/Damage |
Aulus | Fighter – Damage/Crowd Control |
Yin | Fighter/Assassin – Burst Control |
Julian | Fighter/Mage – Chase/Magic Damage |
Fredrinn | Fighter/Tank – Damage/Chase |
Arlott | Fighter/Assassin – Charge/Burst |
Cici | Fighter – Damage/Regen |
Suyou | Assassin/Fighter – Chase/Burst |

Then, there are heroes with roles support whose skills can provide buff, healing or crowd control effects. Usually, heroes with the Support role are an alternative choice besides Tank.
However, some Support heroes do not have high HP. So, it is less suitable to be used as a 'body' during team war. Meanwhile, the job of a Support is to ensure that the team's heroes remain safe while doing war by providing HP healing.
In this way, your team's chances of winning in a team war are higher thanks to the healing or buff effects you provide.
Furthermore, here is a list of heroes in Mobile Legends who are included in the Support role:
Hero Name | Role – Hero Type |
Rafaela | Support – Regend/Guard |
Minotaur | Tanks/Support – Crowd Control |
Lolita | Support/Tank – Guard/Crowd Control |
Johnson | Tank/Support – Support/Crowd Control |
Estes | Support – Regen/Guard |
Diggie | Support – Guard/Poke |
Angela | Support – Guard/Support |
Kaja | Support/Fighter – Control/Charge |
Faramis | Support/Mage – Guard/Charge |
Carmilla | Support/Tank – Crowd Control/Damage |
Mathilda | Support/Assassin – Initiator/Guard |
Floryn | Support – Poke/Guard |
chips | Support/Tank – Support/Crowd Control |

Similar to Marksman, a hero with a role Mage also tasked with providing high damage. However, the damage given by Mage is magical type.
In addition, heroes with the Mage role are also equipped with crowd control and skills that depend on combos to provide deadly burst damage.
Usually, Mages occupy the Mid Lane so they can rotate to Exp or Gold to help in ganking enemy heroes.
Despite having high magic damage, heroes with the Mage role have thin HP. So, you also have to be careful when appearing on the map so as not to be picked off by the enemy.
Furthermore, the following are the heroes included in the Mage role:
Hero Name | Role – Hero Type |
Alice | Mage/Tank – Charge/Regen |
Nana | Mage – Poke/Burst |
Bane | Fighter/Mage – Push/Burst |
Eudora | Mage – Control/Burst |
Gord | Mage – Poke/Burst |
Kagura | Mage – Poke/Finisher |
Cyclops | Mage – Damage/Control |
aurora | Mage – Crowd Control/Poke |
Vexana | Mage – Poke/Control |
Harleys | Assassin/Mage – Burst/Poke |
Odette | Mage – Burst/Poke |
Zhask | Mage – Chase/Damage |
Pharsa | Mage – Burst/Poke |
Valir | Mage – Damage/Guard |
Chang'e | Mage – Poke/Burst |
Selena | Assassin/Mage – Initiator/Finisher |
vale | Mage – Burst/Crowd Control |
Lunox | Mage – Burst/Damage |
Kimmy | Marksman/Mage – Damage/Magic Damage |
Harith | Mage – Chase/Damage |
Kadita | Mage/Assassin – Burst/Charge |
Faramis | Support/Mage – Guard/Charge |
Esmeralda | Tank/Mage – Regen/Mixed Damage |
Lylia | Mage – Push/Damage |
Cecilion | Mage – Poke/Burst |
Luoyi | Mage – Support/Crowd Control |
Yve | Mage – Poke/Burst |
Valentina | Mage – Burst/Finisher |
Xavier | Mage – Damage/Guard |
Julian | Fighter/Mage – Chase/Magic Damage |
Novaria | Mage – Burst/Poke |
Zhu Xin | Mage – Damage/Crowd Control |

Lastly, there is an ML role called Assassins with high mobility and burst damage as its characteristics. Thanks to these abilities, several heroes with the Assassin role are often placed as jungler.
As the name suggests, an Assassin must be able to chase and execute damage dealers from the enemy team with low HP such as Mages or Marksmen.
However, Assassin heroes do not have as much HP as Tanks or Fighters, so you have to be able to enter and exit team wars appropriately.
More completely, the following are heroes who are included in the Assassin role in Mobile Legends:
Hero Name | Role – Hero Type |
Saber | Assassin – Charge/Finisher |
Alucard | Fighter/Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Karina | Assassin – Finisher/Magic Damage |
Zilong | Fighter/Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Fanny | Assassin – Chase/Finisher |
Hayabusa | Assassin – Chase/Burst |
Natalia | Assassin – Chase/Finisher |
Yi Sun Shin | Assassin/Marksman – Finisher/Chase |
Harleys | Assassin/Mage – Burst/Poke |
Lancelot | Assassin – Charge/Burst |
Helcurt | Assassin – Push/Burst |
Lesley | Marksman/Assassin – Finisher/Burst |
Gusion | Assassin – Burst/Magic Damage |
Selena | Assassin/Mage – Initiator/Finisher |
Hanzo | Assassin – Poke/Burst |
Kadita | Mage/Assassin – Burst/Charge |
Ling | Assassin – Chase/Burst |
Benedetta | Assassin/Fighter – Chase/Burst |
Mathilda | Support/Assassin – Initiator/Guard |
Paquito | Fighter/Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Aamon | Chase/Magic Damage |
Yin | Fighter/Assassin – Burst/Control |
joy | Assassin – Chase/Damage |
Arlott | Fighter/Assassin – Charge/Burst |
Nolan | Assassin – Chase/Burst |
Suyou | Assassin/Fighter – Chase/Burst |
Also read:
By knowing the various ML roles along with their functions and tasks above, you can form a strong team to achieve victory.
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