Don't carelessly use the FF shotgun, because you can die first. Please refer to this article for tips on using it properly in April 2022.
In-game Free Fire, using the FF shotgun in close combat or battles that occur in confined areas can help players win the battle.
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This class of weapon has its own fan base, and rightly so. However, it does come with a set of challenges that beginners have to overcome.
The shotgun has several cons when it comes to its usage: Short range, low magazine count, and high spread.
Many players fell victim to this during the fight. This limits their ability to use weapons intelligently and effectively. However, mastering the shotgun will come easy by following a few tips and adapting combat tactics.
Below are some tips for using the FF shotgun like a pro player and getting more kills in the Free Fire game.
How to Use FF Shotguns
Shotgun is a deadly melee weapon in Free Fire. Headshot almost guarantees a kill every time. However, weapon classes do have some limitations.
Due to the small size and reach of the magazine, players must get close to their opponent and be precise with every shot to make it count.
Because of this, newcomers to the game seem unable to use the shotgun effectively. Hopefully these simple tips will help improve your skills in using the FF shotgun.
Never Miss An Opportunity To Take A Headshot

You should always get as many headshots as possible during the game. Headshots require a great deal of precision to be executed perfectly, and players should not attempt them when there is no clear line of sight to their opponent's head. If they opened fire and missed, they would face a swift counterattack.
In Free Fire MAX, the landing headshot is very important and can basically make players win most of the fights very easily.
However, mastering this shooting technique is easier said than done. With so many factors to consider, a lot of practice will be required.
Do not stop at just one opportunity

When shooting opponents using the FF shotgun, the damage dealt may not be enough to kill them outright, considering how the pellets scatter when the shot is fired. Nevertheless, they are excellent for dropping enemy hit points during matches.
When dealing with enemies in Free Fire, you have to keep shooting at your targets. Even if all shots deal minimal damage, it helps. Enemies will now be forced to dispense with medical supplies to heal, which gives you time to suppress attacks and secure kills.
Choose M1887

The M1887 has quickly become one of the most popular and sought-after weapons in Free Fire MAX. What makes this shotgun so special is that it deals armor penetration damage. This means that the shot ignores the enemy's armor and deals more damage than usual.
However, the weapon does have a few quirks of its own. For example, it only has two rounds per magazine. This makes this weapon best suited for players with high precision.
On the other hand, the resulting damage is enormous due to limited ammo. A well-placed headshot and the opponent will be eliminated from the match.
Always Reload During Gunfights

The shotgun has a limited ammunition storage capacity. This makes it difficult for players to shoot freely. Each missed shot reduces the chances of winning the shootout.
However, there is a way to get around this problem. However, it may not be the right choice to execute every time.
During combat, when there is plenty of cover to be found, players can duck behind it to reload their shotgun. However, this is not an ideal choice if enemies are nearby. It is better to switch to the secondary weapon as it is faster than reloading and is a safer alternative.
Also read: Tips on Using the Free Fire MAX Shotgun When Rushing!
Get in Close Range to Deal Damage

One of the worst cons of using the FF shotgun is its effective range. They are only suitable for close or direct combat.
Even though they can deal damage from mid-range, the reduced damage will render shots useless. The only thing players will achieve is wasting ammo.
The easiest way to ensure this actually happens is to get within 10 feet or less of the target. This is considered the optimal range to deal the most damage with a single shot.
When within five feet of the target is better, the enemy will also be able to deal damage with the shotgun. If the pellets are connected, the player can be eliminated.
The shotgun has a very limited range in Free Fire MAX. If you shoot it from medium range, chances are none of the pellets will hit the target.
Unfortunately, the only way to solve this distance problem is to close the gap in battle. You have to get close to their opponent before pulling the trigger. This will ensure that all the pellets in the round will deal damage.
Also read: 5 Painful FF Max Shotguns March 2022, There's a MAG-7!
That's how to use the FF shotgun correctly so you can get more kills in close range combat.