What is Brawl Mode?
Hola Vicigers! Mobile Legends: Bang Bang launched the Brawl mode which actually became the mode with the fewest fans. However, this mode actually has several functions which are certainly fun to play in Mobile Legends. Then, what are its functions?
The first function of Brawl mode is to have fun where this mode is the mode refreshing players after exhaustion compete on mode ranked. Apart from that, several players also claim to play Brawl mode to get rid of their boredom.

The second function is to check the network. For example, you guys want to play ranked but you have doubts about your internet network, so play the lowest Brawl mode first to find out your internet network.
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The third function is as a place to warm up. This is specifically for veteran players who comeback on Mobile Legends so that they get used to the atmosphere of Mobile Legends again.
The last function is to try heroes in a manner random. This could be an opportunity for you to try one heroes which you may have never played in Mobile Legends.
From there, you can know and learn skills from heroes that can be your reference for playing in mode classic or ranked. The more you understand skills and how to use heroes correctly, the greater your chances of winning the match.
Hero Fanny
So, heroes what usually comes out in Brawl mode?

Yup! Fanny is one heroes normally selected random to be played in Brawl Mobile Legends mode. Fanny is one heroes which has very painful attacks.
But on the other hand, Fanny is very difficult for novice players to play if they don't understand the mechanics or how to play hero assassins this. You have to understand first skills owned by Fanny Mobile Legends.
Fanny has one skills form steel cable which will make Fanny issue a cable to attract enemies. Fanny is very dependent on skills this is because it can trigger a Tornado Strike (skills 1) and changes direction as it flies.
skills owned by Fanny is very useful to do farming quickly, chasing enemies with agility, and running away when dying. However skills this is sometimes difficult to master because it often fails to hit the intended target.
Therefore, there are some tips and tricks you can do to play heroes Fanny in this Brawl mode. Check out the tips and tricks below!
When you have the opportunity to use heroes Fanny is in Brawl mode, so pay attention first skill set cable which he has. Fanny's cable hook can be used continuously without any time limit cooldown.
Such cable can be defense at a time offense very good for Fanny to use. When Fanny flies, this cable will issue skills 1 (Tornado Strike) from one point to another automatically if there are enemies nearby where what's left.
When Fanny succeeds in hitting an enemy target, a target marker (Prey Marker) will appear above the enemy. If you use ultimate skills (Cut Throat) that Fanny had on target with the Prey Marker, then damage generated by Fanny will increase to 20%.
Next, there are things that you must have when playing as Fanny in Brawl mode, namely buff blue from the monsters in the upper lane. This will make it easier for Fanny to help teammates who are on other paths with abilities mobility which he has.
The next tip is that Fanny is a character that must be done farming. After that, use it skills 2 right to the point obstacle (an object such as a wall) where the enemy is, do so until the enemy has it health points (HP) about 30%.
If the enemy is already on health points (HP) is 30%, you don't need to hesitate anymore to finish them off by using ultimate skills owned by Fanny. Do this repeatedly on different enemies.
If you have mastered all the enemy targets with the tips and tricks above, it is guaranteed that you will win the match in Brawl mode using Fanny. What are you waiting for? Let's play Fanny in Brawl mode right now. Good luck!
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