Are you a Uranus hero user? If this is the case, you need to read this article to the end, because we will share tips and tricks Uranus from R7.
In game Mobile Legends, there are 5 positions, namely Explane, Goldlaner, Midlaner, Roamer and Jungler.
Each position plays an important role according to each jobdesk. So, this time we will share how to play in the Explane position using the Uranus hero based on Uranus Tips and Tricks from R7.
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Emblem Explanation

Based on R7's YouTube video regarding tricks for using Uranus, the emblems that can be used are support and common.
But in the video, he said that he would play in a more aggressive way so he used the common emblem to support Uranus' ability to regen health points and mana.
For talent, you can use agility because it can increase movement speed which is useful for cutting and lane control, so you can win rotations to get objectives such as ganking, turret, turtle and lord.
Another talent is tenacity which is useful for increasing magical and physical defense when blood is below 40%. In general, an explane has the task of zoning the jungler or damage dealer on the enemy team.
So we will become heroes who will absorb a lot of damage given by the jungler or damage dealer on the enemy team.
In the third talent, R7 recommends 2 talents, namely Brave Smite and Impure Rage. However, he chose imurage because playing aggressively requires a lot of mana.
Well, Impure Rage has a passive when we deal damage from skills, we will get 2% max mana regen.
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Early Items

For Uranus heroes used in the Explane position, R7 suggests buying items based on what hero they are fighting.
If the opponent's Explane hero is not a hero who has a regen or shield effect like Esmeralda, Yu Zhong, Lapu – Lapu or Terizla, we can buy an oracle after the steel legplates.
However, if our opponent is Esmeralda, Yu Zhong, Lapu – Lapu or Terizla, we can upgrade the steel legplates to dominance ice to reduce the shield and regen effects of the opponent's explainer.
Reasons for Using Uranus

In the video, R7 says that there are several main points for choosing the Uranus hero for the Explane position.
The first is the aggressive Uranus gameplay mode which can target the lane, what is meant is that by using Uranus you can invade the opponent's jungler buff after clearing the lane.
This is very useful apart from poking so that the opposing jungler has to return to base, this is useful for luring the enemy jungler back so that the enemy jungler cannot get the turtle or lord objective.
Another reason is that Uranus is a very sustainable hero, so it is difficult to pick off and the enemy must bring at least 3 heroes. By doing this, the enemy will suffer losses because they will lose skills, spells and objectives.
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Always Remember to Control Lane

As we know, Uranus has high sustainability and movement speed, so it is our job to control the lane or clear the minions from the lane that is being abandoned.
In the video, R7 practices cutting lane on minions in the mid lane because 4 of his team members are ganking towards the gold lane.
This is important to do because the enemy will become confused, they have to clear the minions and defend the mid turret or defend the goldlane and goldlaner turrets themselves.
Items to Buy After Main Items

Generally, each hero and role has its own main item that must be purchased, for the Uranus hero, the main items are dominance ice and oracle.
This item is chosen if the enemy team uses an explane hero with a regen or shield effect such as Esmeralda, Yu Zhong, Lapu – Lapu or Terizla.
If the enemy team does not use explane heroes with regen or shield effects such as Esmeralda, Yu Zhong, Lapu – Lapu or Terizla, then Uranus can simply buy an oracle as the main item.
After the main item is purchased, we can look at the enemy composition as a consideration for the next item purchased.
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So that's the discussion regarding Tips and Tricks for using the Uranus hero from R7.
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