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Starfield Update: Will DLC Appear?

The latest Starfield update on Steam hints at the appearance of its upcoming DLC entitled Shattered Space!
Update Starfield
Starfield Updates. Source: Official Site

Updates Starfield The latest from Bethesda, which was live at the beginning of May, is considered to have quite a lot of question marks. Not a few are trying to guess what "hidden" thing the developer is trying to convey.

Some experienced critics dare to conclude that this update indicates one of the things most eagerly awaited by fans: DLC Shattered Space! And there's a good chance it will be featured at the Xbox Showcase!

Also read: Complete List of All Starfield Factions

Update Starfield Starfield Patch 1.11.36 – 15 May 2024

Patch Note Terbaru Starfield
Starfield's Latest Patch Notes. Source: Official Site

Basically, the Starfield update in question refers to patch 1.11.36 which was released on May 15. Overall, this patch itself is not too different from previous updates.

From the patch notes displayed, most of this release contains bug fixes. In fact, this update cannot be said to be major due to the amount of new content provided.

The only new in-game feature that appears is the Ship Decoration mode. This allows players to personalize the interior decoration of their ship according to the features found on the Outpost.

And the rest is filled with additional Settings features, such as map updates, difficulty level selection for different modes, as well as Visuals/Performance optimization selection: Frame Rate requirements, VSync activation (specifically Series), etc.

However, this update is not what reviewers and critics refer to as an indicator used to signal the arrival of DLC, but rather the release listed on their Steam page!

Also read: Speculation and Efforts for Starfield to Have Multiplayer Features

Starfield Steam Page Update Shattered Space DLC Bookmark

Starfield di Steam
Starfield on Steam. Source: Official Site

News and rumors regarding DLC from Starfield itself have actually been circulating for quite a long time. Not just anything, this news was first stated directly by the famous Bethesda director: Todd Howard.

Of course, the news that comes from the director's mouth cannot be considered a joke. However, apart from news about its appearance, not much other information can be obtained regarding the development of this DLC.

Then investigate, investigate, as reported on the page ign, Bethesda can only state that this DLC will come in the Fall of this year. This is what makes fans even more impatient.

That's where one of the Reddit users with an account called 'JarusinTheStars' (who is part of the community) discovered changes to the Steam Starfield page!

From his findings, he stated that these changes were not small. This was also agreed by the parties The Gamers: indicates that there is a possibility of a DLC launch happening in the near future!

Also read: 5 Best Starfield Mods, Gamers Must Understand!

Starfield Expansion Announced At Xbox Game Showcase 2024

DLC Starfield: Shattered Space
Starfield: Shattered Space DLC. Source: Official Site

Seeing this phenomenon, many people speculate that this is in anticipation of one of the biggest annual events Xbox, namely Game Showcase 2024.

This has become an Xbox habit every year. This event is always a place to showcase various new lineups and release various content related to their massive-exclusive titles.

And of course it closes down the possibility of the announcement of various DLCs, including Starfield's Shattered Space. This event itself is planned to be live on May 9 2024 local time.

So, for those of you who are also interested in waiting for the latest news, especially the Starfield DLC update, you really have to pay attention to the showcase.

To watch it, you can really open the official page or YouTube channel from Xbox. Don't miss it!

Also read: Rumors of Starfield Release on PS5

So, that was the discussion regarding the Starfield update. For Vicigers who want to download their games via Steam, let's top up their Wallet via VCGamers Marketplace!

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