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Great! Beatrix's Starlight Skin is Ready for Battle in March 2022!

skin starlight beatrix cover

Starlight skins Beatrix Mobile Legends which has been talked about a lot from last month and was beaten by starlight skins Cecilion now had some clarity.

Beatrix, who in fact is still classified as heroes 2021 newcomers will now officially become members Starlight with skins newly named Space Agents.

With presence starlight skins of these, Beatrix had also become one heroes popular that already collected as many as three skins from the time it was released until this news was leaked.

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Like anything updates and artwork starlight skins This Beatrix? Check out the info through the explanation below.

Beatrix's Starlight Skin display

Actually, view starlight skins Beatrix leaked at the end of December 2021 with a concept artwork still rough. Now, Moonton has officially approved the display skins this new Beatrix comes with heroes portrait-his.

skin starlight beatrix display 1

Heroes Beatrix was seen wearing a light blue jacket with dark blue patterns. In skins this, he wears handguards and black gloves while holding a gray gun.

It is still displayed with styles short hair messythe blonde one, different from the hair color default skinsits, namely red with gradations pink.

For his clothes, he seems to use tightsuit in the style of a space explorer complete with a yellow inverted triangle-shaped ornament on the chest.

At her waist, Beatrix appears to be wearing a belt that contains ammo for reload the gun is also a small bag to store the gun in.

The thing that stands out from Beatrix's belt is inside skins This is a cute gray cat doll. Perhaps, the doll is a distinguishing feature skins this is from skins Another Beatrix.

Also read: Tips for Playing Beatrix MLBB for Beginners, the Most Unique Marksman in the Land of Dawn!
skin starlight beatrix display 2

Meanwhile, in section heroes portrait Beatrix, you can see she's holding a long-range gun for her long-range attacks. The weapons are also matched in color to the color theme starlight skins Beatrix.

Behind Beatrix's back, you can also see bazooka gray with light and dark blue hues. This also confirms the impression heroes Beatrix as a multitalent shooter.

Theme starlight skins also looked from footwear used by Beatrix, much like footwear heroes Saber. This may be the goal to strengthen the impression of futuristic and cool.

If you notice too starlight skins Beatrix has a theme and colors to match starlight skins heroes Clint, which was released earlier in January 2022.

Price Update for Beatrix's New Skin

If you are curious about the price starlight skins This Beatrix, you must be prepared to provide diamonds as much as 550. That means, you have to be prepared to save as much as 150 thousand rupiah.

The price is fairly reasonable, considering that so far Beatrix has indeed become one heroes which is a mainstay player in ranked matches and have skillset unique and different from marksman heroes other.

With presence skins this too, does not rule out the possibility that in the future Beatrix will be more and more widely used by clerics player and further adds to its popularity.

Also read: The Best Build For Beatrix Based On Performance From OHEB on M3, One Shot One Kill.

Previous Beatrix Skin Review

So far, Beatrix has had as many as two skins special. The first is skins named normal X Factor, then elite skinsits called Blitz Attack.

skin starlight beatrix skin x factor review

In view skins X Factor, Beatrix was dressed casually stealth light green complete with a belt and a place to store a gun at his waist. He wears red gloves, with a gun in his right hand and an explosive in his left.

skin starlight beatrix skin blitz attack review

Meanwhile, in Blitz Attack skins, Beatrix looked like default skinsbut with a red jacket and grayish-white hair.

Beatrix also wore casual pants army complete with a small bag and pocket to store ammunition and pistols. He appears with a gun in both hands as well bazooka on his back.

From the second skins In this particular case, you can see that Beatrix is most often shown as a gunfighter and an army soldier stealth. But deep starlight skinsher, Beatrix is shown to be more futuristic and contemporary to show herself more as a science activist.

Also read: How to Get the Eudora Cosmic Voyage MLBB Skin

How, are you ready diamonds to buy Space Agent skins Beatrice the swag is this Vicigers? Fortunately, you still have one more month to collect diamonds and buy starlight skins this special edition, so don't miss it!

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