The latest lol pc update will revamp several heroes, such as Gangplank and Master Yi. They will get the latest updates.
With the release of the latest lol pc update, patch League of Legends 12.12 today, Riot Games has also touched on some of the updates they are working on for the upcoming patch.
League of Legends season 12 brings a lot of changes to the whole game and with each update, the developers try to balance the game even more, while introducing new features.
The latest lol pc update 12.10 is coming soon, and with it, it will bring big changes to the game's endurance system. Riot Games is constantly making tweaks and tweaks to the game to keep players engaged.
With the latest lol pc update 12.10 releasing soon, many are looking forward to future League of Legends Updates like 12.11. Luckily, the developers have shared some details regarding the update.
Two of the biggest changes the developer is working on are for Luka Grevious as well as Master Yi and Gangplank.
Latest LOL PC Update
Grevious wound

Luka Grevious will receive 40 percent rebalance in the next League of Legends update. In a recent tweet, League of Legends lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison opened up about some of the tweaks they'd like to introduce in the upcoming lol pc patch update.
According to its developers, the tall Luka Grevious creates a lot of “champion design debt”, which is why they will be looking to balance the mechanics around 40 percent Luka Grievous.
The intent behind this is to make the passive a kind of buy-in that only feels appreciated when dealing with lots of heals on the enemy team.
Options like Soraka and Aatrox come with a lot of teaming and self-healing in their kit, where Grevious Wounds would indeed be one of the best buys in the game. With the Grevious Luka update, the developers will be looking to hit.
Master Yi and Gangplank

Master Yi and Gangplank also transform to reach the Rift in the upcoming League of Legends patch. As well as working on Luka Grevious, the League of Legends developers will also be working on tweaks for Master Yi to make him a bit more viable in future patches.
The Blademaster form, once the go-to choice at the bottom of the competitive ladder, is now barely seeing the clock and currently sits at a pick rate lower than 10 percent, according to OP.GG.
While that may be the overall rate in ranked matchmaking, the pick rate is even worse in the Challenger Level, where it enjoys somewhere close to 0.56.
The killer updates introduced in season 12, along with the durability changes that made their way to the servers in patch 12.10, made it fall from the meta rather hard.
It is therefore hoped that the changes that will eventually make their way to Master Yi's kit will be a buff, and will allow him to have an easier time in the competitive queue.
Gangplank, on the other hand, was slightly affected by the durability update, as the healing from his oranges has decreased a bit. However, Riot has yet to provide any official details regarding the kind of tweaks it will receive.
For the Gangplank change, the developers scheduled it for the 12.13 line, however, for the Master Yi update, they haven't come up with a specific patch number.
League of Legends Update 12.11 was released on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, as confirmed by Riot Games itself. The update is still a month away and it's likely we can learn more about it as it gets closer to June 2022.
The League of Legends 12.12 patch won't be a major update as it will primarily focus on bringing minor changes to the Rift after the massive 12.10 and 12.11 endurance changes.
The upcoming update will look to address some of the inconsistencies in the game, bring a stable champion meta, and smooth out some of the rough edges.
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Buff Champion

In the patch preview showcased earlier today by the developers, Riot Games seems to be making adjustments to the development path for Shaco, Katarina, Yuumi, and Soraka. Buff will also head to Yorick and Heimerdinger with Bel'Veth set to significantly scale down his kit.
Additionally, Zeri will again be adding his name to the nerf list, and it will be another successive set of patches hit by ADC. League of Legends developers have had a hard time customizing their kits since launching early January.
Before moving on to the list of champions, it's important to note that the names mentioned by Riot Games for the upcoming update are tentative and may or may not be fully reflected in the official update.
The champion tweak will first hit the PBE test server, and depending on how it performs there, the update will eventually reach the final patch.
Yorick fans have been something the League of Legends community has been looking forward to for some time now. Luckily, he'll get some much-needed love in the upcoming patch.
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Zeri is set for another batch of nerfs along with Viego. It will also be interesting to see Bel'Veth's name on the list as the new void jungler is considered by many to be an underwhelming presence in the Rift.