In-game Mobile Legends there are many terms that are often used by the players. And one of the terms that is used quite often is ML roam or Mobile Legends roaming.
If taken literally, roam ML can be interpreted as moving from one lane to another to help teammates.
By being a hero who has to help other lanes, of course roaming has an important role in Mobile Legends matches.
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So, to get to know more about roam ML, let's look at the discussion below!
What is Roam ML?

In Mobile Legends roam means a hero who rotates from one lane to another. Usually heroes who have roam duties are also known as roamers.
The ability that must be possessed by roamer heroes is the ability to move quickly and effectively from one lane to another.
In addition, roamer heroes don't always move around all the time. Because there are times when a roam hero has to stay in one lane for a while to help one team's heroes not get hit by a gang.
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Items for Hero Roam ML

To make it easier for you to carry out your role as a roamer hero, you must choose the right item. So, now Mobile Legends provides 4 roamer items that you can use.
Here are the detailed explanations:
Active – Conceal
When you use Conceal items, it will make you and the team heroes around you in camouflage mode. And will give an additional movement speed effect of 30% – 75% for 5 seconds.
The heroes that are suitable for using this item are heroes who have the ability to lock targets and have crowd control. The heroes include Tigreal, Franco, Atlas, and Jawhead.
Passive – Encourage
When you use Encourage, it will make you and the heroes of the team around you experience an increase in physical attack and magic power by 15-38 points. Apart from that, Attack speed will also increase by 15%.
The Encourage item is very suitable for use by heroes who have thick blood like Belerick, Diggie, and Khufra.
Passive – Favor
Item Favor has the ability to restore 480 -1200 HP of a team hero around it when you use healing skills or shields. However, skills that only affect your hero cannot activate this effect.
Heroes that are suitable for using Favor items are heroes who have healing skills, such as Estes, Rafaela, Minotaur, and Angela.
Passive – Dire Hits
Dire Hit will deal additional damage to enemies up to 35% HP, besides that this item also provides additional damage equivalent to 7%-18% from the opponent's max HP.
Heroes that are suitable for using this item are heroes who have poke skills or heroes who can deal regular damage to enemies. The heroes are Popol and Kupa, Kaja, Hylos, and Jawehead.
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Roam ML type

Roam itself is divided into three types, namely as follows:
Defense Roam
Defense roamer is a hero that has very high durability. Defense roam has a function as a protector of the team's core when there is a war.
Some roamer defense heroes that are often used when playing are Jawhead, Akai, and Khufra.
Healer Roam
Healer Roamer is a hero who has the skill to heal teammates. Roaming healers must follow jungler and marksman heroes.
Some effective roam healers for you to use are Estes, Rafaela, Angela, and Floryn.
Damage Roam
The main task of damage roamers is to disrupt enemy cores while farming. By doing poke damage so that the opponent's core will be left behind in gold and exp.
Besides that, roamer damage must have quite painful damage since the early game.
Some of the heroes that can be used as damage roamers are Popol Kupa, Kagura, Natalia, and Franco.
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Well, that's our discussion this time. Don't forget to top up diamonds in Mobile Legends easily, quickly and safely, only at VCGamers Marketplace!
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