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Use Twilight Armor to Counter Critical Heroes!

Twilight Armor items

Hola Vicigers! Mobile Legends: Bang Bang presenting items items as a complement and addition to heroes in the game to provide advantages that players will feel when playing in the game, one example is twilight armor.

Naturally, items items What is provided here has a wide variety of types and different advantages. Apart from being advantageous against enemies, items items this is certainly also strengthening skills owned by heroes player.

Items which will be discussed this time is items with special abilities that benefit especially for tank heroes. Items is meant Defense Items.

Defense Items in Mobile Legends

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In Mobile Legends, there is Defense Items wich one items this is a group items specially made for the tank heroes which requires quantity durability high, also amount MOBILE PHONE which is quite a lot.

Similar to type items other, defense items it also has a wide variety items each with different abilities itemshis. One of them that will be discussed is Twilight Armor items.

Twilight Armor items in Mobile Legends

Twilight Armor items in Mobile Legends this is one of a kind items type Defense which is considered very rarely used and is rarely the choice of players for heroeshis.

Although rarely an option, items This certainly has its advantages and is also one items very strong.

With its very strong potential even with few enthusiasts, items it can still be used to defeat heroes opponent in the game.

The main benefits of Twilight Armor Mobile Legends items this is items this can counter heroes with damage which is big enough.

Twilight Armor in Mobile Legends This can be said to be strong in terms of statistics point stathis. By using Twilight Armor items this, the player will get an addition MOBILE PHONE of 1200 MOBILE PHONE. In addition, also on items there are additions Where of 400 point.

Twilight Armor items it can be used by tank heroes which requires high defense. Although armor or whatever magic defense not offered in Mobile Legends items this one, but the number of additions MOBILE PHONE which is quite large is a very good advantage.

Another advantage of Twilight Armor items this is to use it, heroes will be able to reduce critical damage from enemies or often items it is also called anti crit.

With Twilight Armor defense item this, heroes will get added Critical Damage Reduction of 20%, which would be very profitable to avoid critical damage from opponent.

Same as items items other, Twilight Armor items it has a passive skills which is pretty good. Passive skills which is offered Twilight Armor items this is items this can reduce the rate physical damage from the opponent, so heroes with items this will not get physical damage which is more than 900 damage.

Passive skills from Twilight Armor items it has levels cooldown for 4 seconds. Passive skills from items this is very profitable for players in the game.

Twilight Armor items this is items which is very suitable for tank heroes with type durability which is good enough.

Items this is usually used when gameplay already entered midgame going to late game. Certainly the main benefit of items this is on Tank heroes, Tank heroes which uses items this will get survive or last a long time.

Passive skills given by items it is named with Deficance. skills issued by items this will be very profitable for players even though it only lasts for 4 seconds. 4 sec moment skills is used, will issue anti-burst where heroes will not accept bursts taller than your opponent. 

Suitable for Hero Bursts


Twilight Armor items this will be very profitable if the player fights hero burst, especially critical. Items this would be very suitable to use against heroes Lesley, Ling, Granger, and Bruno. Heroes with items it's going to be stronger because point stat tall and too passive skills which is very useful.


With all these very profitable advantages, alas items this is still rarely used in games.

As a player Mobile Legends, there's nothing wrong with trying items this. As already reviewed, items This has many advantages that will certainly lead you to victory.

Also Read: Oracle, Mobile Legends Items That Can Increase HP Regen!

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