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Plants Vs Zombies PC Version Cheat, Try it Now!

Cheating is one of the activities commonly carried out by gamers, including the popular game Plants vs Zombies.
Plants vs Zombies Cheats
Plants vs Zombies Cheats. Source: Steam

Cheating is one of the activities commonly carried out by players gamers including popular games Plants vs Zombies.

Term cheats usually used to refer to an action by a player to cheat a game by manipulating the system.

Although few people use it cheats for the game Plants vs Zombies, many people deliberately enter the code to get a new playing sensation.

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If you are one of them, let's look at the cheat summary for the Plants vs Zombies version of the game PC in the following article.

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How to Use Cheats in Plants Vs Zombies

Plants vs Zombies Cheats
How to use Plants vs Zombies Cheats. Source: YogaBp/Youtube

Before starting to use cheats in Plants vs Zombies, you need to know that you can only do this method on PC.

This is because you have to install the PvZ toolkit or Cheat Engine first before starting the game.

You can easily find the PvZ toolkit or Cheat Engine for the Plants vs Zombies game on the Google search engine.

After finishing installing, extract the zip file that you downloaded. Go to the extracted file folder and click the pvztoolkit application.

Next, open the Plants vs Zombies Goty Edition game from PC or download it first on Steam. Done, now you can enter cheats into this game.

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List of Plants Vs Zombies Cheats

After listening to how to install PvZ Toolkit on PC, now you can use the list of cheats below according to your needs.

Free Plants

Plants vs Zombies Cheats
Free plant cheats. Source: Source: YogaBp/Youtube

Every time we put a plant in the ground, we need sunlight. Often, we have to take quite a long time to grow one plant. Especially if they need a lot of sun points.

If you are bothered by this, here are the steps to grow plants without wasting the sun:

  1. Open the “Memory View” menu in the PvZ toolkit application
  2. Right click on the address on the screen and select "Go to address"
  3. Enter code 0041E846
  4. Double click on the colored text
  5. Change the address code to "nop"
  6. A message containing a 1 bit long code and a 2 bit long opcode will appear
  7. Select "Yes" to change code 0041E846 to "nop"

Makes Plants Die Quickly

Plants vs Zombies Cheats
Instant kill cheat that instantly kills plants. Source: Detara/Youtube

Plants in Plants vs Zombies generally die after being bitten by zombies several times. This cheat is there to make your playing experience more challenging.

This cheat can make your plants very weak and make them die with just one bite. Here's how:

  1. Open the “Memory View” menu in the PvZ toolkit application
  2. Right click on the address on the screen and select "Go to address"
  3. Type code 00540680
  4. Double click on the address on the screen
  5. Change the Address Assembler Code code to mov [esi+40],00000000
  6. Select the "OK" menu

Unlimited Money

Plants vs Zombies Cheats
Unlimited money cheat. Source: Steam

Money is a very important medium of exchange in Plants vs Zombies. You can buy various new plants or useful items.

To get money, you have to diligently go to the Zen Garden and water all the plants. After that, you still have to wait a while before getting money from them.

Actually there is a cheat to get money faster. First, go to the Zen Garden and water the plants until they don't need anything.

Next, change the date on the PC to one day later. When you return to the game, the plants will need water again.

Keep doing these steps until you succeed in growing them completely, selling them, and collecting money.

Provides Special Effects

Plants vs Zombies Cheats
Candy effect after Zombie is eliminated. Source: Grandpa Gardener – PVZ Expert/Youtube

Besides cheats above, you can also bring up special effects by typing the following code with your keyboard:

  1. Future – Provides a futuristic eyewear design for zombies
  2. Mustache – Spawns zombies with mustaches
  3. Pinata – The effect of popping candy when a zombie dies
  4. Trickedout – Spawns a new type of Lawn Mower
  5. Daisies – Spawns small daisies when zombies are killed

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