This time we will review the hurting Hanabi build in the game Mobile Legends. We will discuss the painful Hanabi build, especially for you hero users.
Hanabi is a hero with a marksman role. You need to choose a Hanabi build item that hurts so that she becomes a hero that the team can rely on in the game.
Despite having a role as a marksman, Hanabi is known to be not as popular as Layla and Miya. Even though Hanabi has great abilities if we can optimize the potential of this one hero.
In fact, it's not impossible if you use this recommended Hanabi build item for you to become an MVP in a game.
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For that, we have to know what Hanabi's build items hurt. However, before discussing this, let's discuss the skills that Hanabi has.
Hero Hanabi Skills
Hanabi has a number of skills. Before discussing the painful Hanabi build, we will review the skills that this marksman hero has first.
By knowing and understanding Hanabi's skills, we can determine which item is chosen as the most painful Hanabi build in the game.
Let's look at the reviews about Skill Hanabi
Ninjutsu: Equinox

This hero user is expected to increase his lifesteal up to as much as you can. This was done to maintain the Shield of the hero.
The survival ability of this hero will increase significantly when there is Immune from the control effect.
When this hero's HP is full, 60 percent of the HP you get from Lifesteal turns into a Shield of up to 25 percent of the Maximum HP you have.
Hanabi will become Immune from all Crowd Control effects when the Shield is active. Besides that, Hanabi's Movement Speed will also increase by 30.
Ninjutsu: Petal Barage

Skill 1 Hanabi looks simple. Because, when using this skill, Hanabi only throws Petal Barage at the opposing hero. At first glance, this skill is the same as a basic attack.
So, you need to combine the use of this skill with Hanabi's bass attack. Because, when this skill is active, Hanabi's basic attack will bounce off several targets at the same time.
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You can use combo skill 1 and this basic attack in the early game. This will help you speed up farming minions.
This skill also has a passive. Namely, the physical lifesteal which amounts to 8 percent. So, you don't need to use items with lifesteal attributes to increase HP when attacking opposing heroes.
Ninjutsu: Soul Scroll

Hanabi's second skill is the Soul Scroll. When using this skill, Hanabi will fire an Energy Scroll. The shot gives 450 or +80% Total Physical Attack.
In addition, this skill will have a slow effect on the opponent's hero who is your target by 50 percent for 2 seconds.
When the skill hits the target, your hero will get an additional 140 Mana. So, you don't have to worry about running out of mana.
Forbidden Jutsu: Higanbana

Next, namely the Ultimate Hanabi skill. When using this, Hanabi will deal relatively large damage up to 600 or +100 percent Total Physical Attack. Heroes who are hit by this skill will also receive an immobilize effect in 2 seconds.
Opposing heroes who are near Hanabi's target can also be affected by the skills used by Hanabi. The damage dealt is the same as that received by the main target hero.
The Painful Hanabi Build 2021
So you already know Hanabi's skills. Now let's review the painful Hanabi build that you need to have.
This painful Hanabi build is recommended to optimize Hanabi's performance in matches.

This item is one of Hanabi's most painful builds. This marksman hero feels the need to optimize the farming process during the early game.
He was continued to enter the Gold Lane so he could do farming quickly. After that, when you have bought this item and the level has gone up, Hanabi is ready to face off against the opposing hero.
This item will add 40 percent attack speed. Apart from that, it also gives 200 percent damage to the minions it faces. So, this hero will have a faster time cleaning minions.
Windtalker also adds 20 movement speed and 10 percent Critical Damage. This will make your hero very dangerous in the game.
Switf Boots

Next, the second item that you have to buy is Swift Boots. This item will add 40 movement speed and 15 percent Attack Speed.
By using this item, Hanabi will be faster in the game.
Berserker's Fury

After the 2 items above, you must have this item. Berseker's Furry will get you 65 Physical Attack and an additional 25% Critical Change.
Furthermore, this item also has a unique passive. That is, the Hero's Physical Attack will experience an increase of 5 percent for two seconds when getting a Critical Hit.
Scarlet Phantom

This item is also included in the hurt Hanabi build. Because, this item will add 30 Physical Attack, 20 percent attack speed and 25 percent critical change.
With these additions, the damage that Hanabi gives to her opponent's heroes will of course be even more painful. The attack he gives will easily eliminate the opponent.
Blade of Despair

Next is Blade of Despair or BOD. Hanabi's attacks will hurt even more with this item.
This item will add 160 Physical Attack. So, during the late game he will become a very dangerous hero.
Malefic Roar

The next item that Hanabi must have is Malefic Roar. This item will increase 40 percent of the Physical Pen which is useful for the late game.
The Physical Pen is useful for Hanabi when she wants to attack Tankers in the late game.