The MSC 2022 tournament is officially over and won by RSG PH after defeating RRQ in the final. From the tournament there are some of the sickest heroes.
RSG PH's success in winning this tournament is inseparable from its drawing skills. They outplayed their opponent's strategy in the tournament, which led them to the highest stage of the tournament.
Setup is a process that every team must go through before the game starts. They decide which heroes to use, and also choose the various heroes they ban so that the opponent cannot choose heroes.
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There are many heroes in Mobile Legends The MSC 2022 tournament has become meta and has even stronger abilities. Many professional players are reluctant to compete with teams that use losing heroes. The only measure they could take was to forbid the defeated heroes from being chosen by their opponents.
Are you interested in the Hero Mobile Legends series in the MSC 2022 Tournament which scares professional players, so they have to be banned while playing games? Check out the following article!
List of the Sickest Heroes in the MSC 2022 Tournament

Since her first appearance in 2019, Wanwan has become the favorite hero of goldline players. The hero who acts as a shooter has very high attack power and is very useful for destroying enemy minions or towers.
Of course, who doesn't know the dexterity of this heroic shooter. No wonder Wanwan has always been a priority for many teams in the MSC 2022 Tournament. Wanwan has been banned 61 times by the tournament and only appeared 10 times.
Through the MSC 2022 tournament, Wanwan is a hero who always gets banned. This hero is said to have been banned 61 times and has a tire ratio of 83% during the tournament.

As a new hero, Valentina immediately becomes an opportunity for many players. Her passive skill allows her to increase her standard and health very quickly, as these two things increase when Valentina attacks enemies.
Even though she was already nervous, Valentina was in fact still a customer of the MSC 2022 ban. Valentina was banned from the MSC 2022 Tournament by 59 or nearly 80 percent more. This is inseparable from Valentina's ability to make snowballs and her ultrascopy which really annoys the enemy.
Professional athletes competing at MSC 2022 are also reluctant to face this single champion. Valentina has been banned 59 times and has an 80 percent ratio to bans.

Next there Julian, this new hero has different skills from other heroes, because this hero is unlimited, but his passive can be any skill that has become finite.
Julian is an Over Power hero for today's mages/warriors, especially when other people have made him a jungler, where the damage from one of these hero skills is enormous. It is also possible that this hero will later become a banned subscriber.
It turns out that the “youngest” hero in this game often gets banned in the MSC 2022 Tournament. Julian takes part in the match in May 2022, or a month before the tournament.
Like many other new heroes, Julian was impressed at the start of his appearance. Many professional athletes in this sport are still confused by the opposition to Julian's presence.
The last thing they could do was ban Julian. If you look at the statistics for this tournament, Julian got 45 tires throughout the tournament.

Ling's presence on the MSC 2022 Tournament roster is surprising. He is one of the most chosen heroes, but he is also included in the list of heroes who are always banned. It's no wonder that he is one of his favorite heroes, because he can play as a warrior or jungler.
This hero has many skills that can be used to escape or hunt enemies. In fact, he had bad nerves. However, there are still many players who use Ling and win.
Yes, everyone is back on their "pilot". Even though Ling was weak, he was still a strong and impressive killer when he was burly.
Ling was banned 50 times in the tournament, for a 68 percent ratio. This figure is complete proof that he is one of the most effective heroes in this game.
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Lastly, there is Masha, this HP 3-layer hero really sucks; just like with 3 layers of HP, but with high speed attack ability, Masha can also lure opponents and can also quickly destroy enemy towers.
Masha was previously known as a fighter with high mobility and good pushing abilities. He was the best hero of his time, apparently for the emergence of heroes like Popol and Kupa. Maybe with Masha's abilities, it is possible that Masha will become a banned subscriber again.
Of the many heroes who have received buffs, Masha MLBB is one of them. The buff that the lady with the giant spikes gets is also important. Features: Now each bar of Masha's HP actually increases by 100 percent Extra HP they have.
These are some of the banned heroes during the MSC tournament. The banning process is the last step you can take if you have problems with several heroes in a match.
Also read: 5 Weaknesses of Hero Gord in Mobile Legends, Can't Run Away!
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