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Top 5 Weapons After Update PUBG Mobile Spiderman 1.8

PUBG Mobile Spiderman

PUBG Mobile Spiderman 1.8 features new game modes and lots of changes to the gameplay. Here are the top 5 weapons to use after the PUBG Mobile Spiderman update.

Spidey appeared in PUBG since January 12, 2022, with the update gradually rolling out to all users. The unique Spider-Man mode will allow players to team up with Marvel superheroes as he fights monsters that appear in the Erangel map. 

Special Spiderman-themed rewards can be earned by helping the hero fight monsters, including the Web Shooter which can slow opponents and the Spiderweb Balls–which are basically web shot grenades.

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PUBG Mobile Spiderman 1.8 features new game modes and lots of changes to the on-the-ground gameplay. The best weapons to use in this game are also different from the previous recommendations. 

Here are the top 5 weapons to use after the PUBG Mobile Spiderman update.

List of the Best Weapons in PUBG Mobile Spiderman


PUBG Mobile Spiderman

AWM is still and will always be the most powerful weapon in PUBG Mobile Spiderman. The base and headshot damage from this bolt-action sniper rifle remains high. Therefore, it is still the most powerful and reliable weapon in ranked and unranked mode. 

Even though the new AC Core Module makes weapon damage massively reduced, pro sniper players can still knock or kill enemies with just an accurate headshot. He is still the choice to get one shot one kill.


PUBG Mobile Spiderman

There are three Light Machine Guns (LMG) in PUBG Mobile Spiderman now, including the DP-28, M249, and MG3. It is undeniable that MG3 is the best LMG in this battle royale game right now. This weapon replaces the M249 to spawn in airdrops, so this new LMG is quite rare. 

What's more, the MG3 has two shooting modes, both of which are very powerful. This weapon deals high damage due to its very high firing speed, 660 rpm and 990 rpm.


PUBG Mobile Spiderman

Like the AWM, the Mk14 has remained a power and top position in its weapons category through many updates. No Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) is more powerful than this weapon. That's why it's still in the airdrop. 

Unlike other SKS and DMRs, the Mk14 has both single and automatic firing modes. Therefore, it is more convenient and versatile than other SKS, SLR and DMR in this game. The Mk14 can cover long and short range combat very well.


PUBG Mobile Spiderman

Throughout many minor and major updates, M416 is still the most stable and reliable AR in PUBG Mobile Spiderman. Even though the damage is slightly nerfed, the M416 is still strong enough to take down targets quickly due to its high firing speed and accuracy. 

This weapon can cover short and medium range combat well. You can also use the M416 to fire bullets in ranged combat or detonate moving vehicles from a distance.

Also read: How to find and use spider web balls in PUBG


PUBG Mobile Spiderman

The UMP45 has been undervalued for a long time before its previous version. But it has been scrubbed massively. Its fire rate and damage have been increased a lot to make this weapon better and more reliable in close combat. 

Moreover, UMP45 is still one of the most stable weapons with very low recoil. Hence, it is one of the best weapons for beginners in PUBG Mobile Spiderman after the 1.8 update.

Also, the UMP45 isn't as noisy as AR and LMG, so you can hide your position.

These weapons are very useful and powerful in classic mode and TMD mode. They are also strong and profitable in Aftermath's new unranked map despite the lower damage caused by the new AC Core Module.

Also read: Official! This is PUBG Mobile X Spiderman Collaboration, Lots of Free Prizes!

So, those were the 5 best weapons after the PUBG Mobile Spiderman update. For those of you who have played in it, you will definitely feel a much different sensation than before. Unfortunately, Spiderman mode only exists in the Livik and Erangel maps.

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