Mobile Legends

Top 5 Best Selling Angela Mobile Legends Skins

Published by
Sukmadara Arianti

Top 5 Best Selling Angela Mobile Legends Skins!

Angela is one of the heroes Mobile Legends who has a cute face using skin that makes her even more adorable.

In addition, Angela is one of the most widely used heroes by players, even pro players, because she has good crowd control abilities.

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Don't be easily fooled by her super cute face and adorable outfit, she is also capable of killing her opponents.

Apart from her skills, this article will provide information regarding Angela's most popular skin among Mobile Legends players!

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Angela Mobile Legends

Angela – Dove&Love. Source: WikiFandom

Before we discuss about skin Angela the most popular, it would be nice if we got to know BunnyLove in Mobile Legends first, let's go!

Angela is a support hero in Mobile Legends that was released on February 6, 2016 and you can buy her for 24,000 Gold or 499 Diamonds.

What makes Angela popular among players is that she has crowd control skills and her ultimate is very useful for her team.

This hero is very simple to play, you are tasked with providing support to the main hero on your team and functioning as an offlaner during battle.

During battle, you can use his ultimate skill to join the battle while providing support to the main hero.

For those of you who have never used this hero, below are Angela's skills that can make her opponents helpless, namely:

Smart Heart (Passive)

Angela will gain 7.5% extra movement speed that lasts for 4 seconds every time she uses her skill up to 4 stacks.

However, when he is hit by an enemy hero, his movement speed will increase which is transferred to the enemy hero.

Love Wave (Skill 1)

Angela will release energy in the specified direction and deal damage of 170(+50% total magic power) and will mark the opponent.

Each mark will increase the damage given to the enemy target by 20% and will cause a slow effect of 18% for 3 seconds.

Meanwhile, the effect of the Love Wave skill will help restore the HP of Angela's teammates when hit by it.

Puppet-on-a-String (Skill 2)

Angela will launch her Puppet on a String towards an enemy hero, dealing 300-450 (+40% total magic power) magic damage and a slow effect of up to 80%.

If the opponent is still tied to the String after 3 seconds, the opponent will be unable to move for 1.5 seconds and will deal 450-675 (+60% total magic power) magic damage.

Heartguard (Ultimate)

Angela will enter her teammate's body while providing a shield of 1200(+200% total magic power) for 6 seconds to her opponent.

Later, Angela will use this skill again to escape from her partner's body until the opposing hero has been killed by her.

List of Angela Mobile Legends Skins

Angela – Shanghai Maiden. Source: WikiFandom

After knowing about Angela's skills, now you should know that there are 5 Angela skins that are most popular with Mobile Legends players. Here is the list!


Angela – Heartstring. Source: WikiFandom

First, there is Angela's best and best-selling skin called Heartstring, which is a collaboration skin with Sanrio Characters.

Angela was selected in the special skin collaboration between Sanrio and Hello Kitty as one of the most popular characters to date.

With this skin, it shows Angela with Hello Kitty in a park surrounded by the skin's colorful animated background.

She wears a red and blue hat and is equipped with a butterfly ribbon that is very similar to the Hello Kitty character.

Plus, Angela wears round glasses with her Blue Ocean eye color which makes her shine.

Her outfit is very cute, she wears clothes like a schoolgirl and carries a bag with a picture of Hello Kitty on it.

This Heartstring skin is very adorable, especially when combined with Pink, Blue and White colors so the skin is very cute.

Not only Angela's appearance has changed, but this skin is full of icons of her skills, actions and even Angela's voiceover has changed.

However, unfortunately, the Angela Heartstring Sanrio skin can only be obtained through the Sanrio Characters Draw at the "MLBB x Sanrio Characters" event on July 3, 2023.

Cyber Cherub

Angela – Cyber Cherubin. Source: WikiFandom

Next, there is Angela's best and most popular skin, namely Cyber Cherubin, which makes her look futuristic with a combination of white and pink.

With this skin, Angela will appear like a robot from The Aspirants Team. The name of this skin does sound quite dangerous because it can get out of control.

Angela's face is getting cuter and more adorable, especially with the doll she always brings during battle, plus the cool equipment of The Aspirants Team.

This skin has a special action when touching the doll or Angela's body and produces a cool effect during the battle.

For Angela's Cyber Cherubin The Aspirants, you can only get it during the "The Aspirant: Awakening" event, to be precise on December 12, 2022.

But if you want to get it, you can get a Gacha ticket by collecting Fragments or spending up to 8000 diamonds which is equivalent to 2 million.

Floral Elf

Angela – Floral Elf. Source: WikiFandom

Third, there is one of Angela's collector skins named Floral Elf, the appearance of this skin is indeed very beautiful with its doll.

With this Floral Elf skin, Angela wears a pink dress and has very colorful wings, plus there is a sparkling decoration on her head.

There are several changes to this skin, especially in the hero's voiceover and the sound of his skill effects which sound like a cool place or grassland.

If you want to get Angela's Floral Elf skin, usually wait for the resale through the Grand Collection which is available every month.

The price is around 6000 Diamonds or around Rp. 1.3 million - Rp. 1.5 million which includes stunning skill effects.

Summer Vibes

Angela – Summer Vibes. Source: WikiFandom

Fourth, there is Angela's best-selling skin which was released in the summer, precisely on July 23, 2020, namely Summer Vibes with a summer theme.

Angela looks even cuter when using this skin because she wears a summer outfit with her short pink hair.

For Angela's doll itself, it is made very similar to Angela who wears the same outfit as her. Then, the visual effects also change.

This Summer Vibes skin can only be purchased during the “Summer” event in 2020, priced at 749 Diamonds.

Avatar Of Time

Angela – Avatar of Time. Source: WikiFandom

Lastly, one of Angela's best-selling skins in Mobile Legends is Avatar of Time which is very cool because of its beautiful effects.

This Angela skin is included in the Annual Starlight Skin which was released on November 25, 2023 – December 18, 2023 in Mobile Legends.

She looks even more beautiful when using this skin because of her all-pink appearance and her powers related to time.

This Angela Avatar of Time skin can only be obtained at the Annual Starlight Draw event, November 25, 2023 – December 18, 2023.

If you want to buy it, you can also draw in the Annual Starlight Draw event column. Better, if you buy Starlight Member to get a 13% discount on the first 30 draws every day.

For 1 draw you have to spend 25 diamonds, but if you are a Starlight Member you only need to buy it with 13 diamonds.

It can also be done through the Starlight Fest Badge, where you have to collect 400 Starlight Fest Badges which can be exchanged for Angela's Avatar of Time skin.

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Sukmadara Arianti