Win a team fight (4 Vs 4 in Free Fire) is probably one of the biggest challenges in Free Fire. Here are some of the best tips and tricks to achieve that.
The 4 vs 4 team battle in Free Fire is perhaps the biggest challenge players have to face to win in rankings or tournaments. When two teams face each other, all members must pull their own weight for the team to win.
In this article, we will show you the 5 best tips and tricks to win 4 vs 4 battles in Free Fire.
How to Win 4 Vs 4 in Free Fire
Attack With Team

It is very important that you get all team members on the same page and attack the enemy as a team.
If 3 people attack but the last team member is still busy looting, the squad's potential damage is reduced. Attacking as a team allows you to pool abilities together to gain an advantage in battle.
Failing to do this can give your opponent the advantage back, allowing them to flank and turn the tide on the team.
You have to attack as a team unit when attacking or attacking the enemy team in Free Fire. This will ensure that all abilities can be pooled together and used to gain a combat advantage.
Failing to attack as a team can end up costing the player. Even if one squad member is lost during battle, opponents can use this to their advantage and flank the attacking players.
Focus Shots On One Target

In 4 Vs 4 battles in Free Fire, defeating one enemy will reduce the enemy team's firepower by 25 percent.
Furthermore, this might even force them to temporarily stop shooting to save the knocked out player, effectively taking 2/4 of the enemy out of the fight. This tactic works in almost any encounter and it is very difficult to recover from it.
Communication is again key here, the captain needs to call targets to be the focus of the team.
The enemy team will be at a numerical disadvantage with one teammate down. If they weren't able to equalize the odds, they would be eliminated easily. This tactic worked in most encounters, and the enemy was unable to recover from it.
Stack Grenades

Instead of throwing one or two grenades every once in a while, you have to coordinate the whole team and throw grenades together.
It's nearly impossible for a single grenade to kill, but multiple grenades can definitely take down an enemy in cover. Some grenades also cover a larger area, preventing enemies from escaping damage.
The enemy team will definitely take damage if the whole team can coordinate and throw grenades simultaneously. In most cases, elimination can also occur due to the large number of thrown grenades.
Always Have A Sniper Or Two

Sniper is the deadliest class of weapon in Free Fire, with a very large range and high damage. Scoring the perfect headshot is usually a guaranteed kill.
This is why every team needs a sniper or two, preferably with Dead Silent or suppressor capabilities.
This allows the team to scout further out and pin enemies in place without being detected. Two snipers are very important in a 4 vs 4 fight in Free Fire.
Also read: 5 Best Free Fire Snipers in 2022, One Shot One Kill!
Find Whole Squad Before Attacking

It may be a good idea to try to find the general location of all members in the enemy squad before attacking. This allows you and your team to keep them in line of sight and avoid flank attacks.
If you can't locate more than one member of the enemy team, it's best to watch out for ambushes. Sandwiched by surprise is the easiest way to lose a 4 vs 4 fight in Free Fire.
Also read: Dimitri Vs Wukong: Which Is Better at Free Fire?
So, those were some easy tricks and tips to win in 4 vs 4 battles in Free Fire. Team battles do seem normal, but they can be dangerous if one player becomes a burden.