Superstar Sanz Onic Esports shows you how to be the ultimate hunter with Roger.
Gilang “Sanz Onic” is the new face at Mobile Legends Indonesian Professional League (MPL). A young Onic Esports rookie who stood out in MPL ID Season 6, and immediately caught the eye as the team's hypercarry, taking advantage of important carry heroes like Roger.
If you aspire to be as good as Sanz Onic, here are five essential tips that will turn you into a Dire Wolf Hunter.
How to Play Roger Like Sanz Onic
Use Assassin and Retribution

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The best emblem for Roger is the Assassin emblem as it provides some solid attacking advantages. To get started, you should maximize your Bravery talent for some extra physical attacks.
For Tier 2, you should choose Bloodthirst for some spell vamp and, to top it off, players should pick up Killing Spree for its healing and movement speed bonuses. Regardless of the enemy's role, Killing Spree will help you stay alive during prolonged battles.
As for the battle spell, Retribution will be your best bet for Roger hypercarry. This will make jungling easier and faster for Roger and give Roger an opportunity to steal buffs from other opponents.
Prioritize Open Fire For The Best Combo

As a hypercarry, Roger relies on his first skill, Open Fire, to poke enemies and zone them out. Seeing how Hunter's Focus only gives you the speed buff, you should prioritize maximizing Open Fire for the best burst damage.
With Open Fire, Roger will shoot twice quickly, giving 300 (+ 120 percent of total Physical ATK) points of total Physical Damage. The first Hunter Net slows down the enemy by 80 percent which lasts for 1.5 seconds while the second Hunter Net reduces the enemy's Physical Defense by 10 for 5 seconds.
As for combos, Roger's basic combo is Open Fire followed by the second skill Hunter's Focus (increases movement speed). Even in Wolf Transformation, you can still do the same one-two skill combos because Lycan Pounce and Bloodthirsty Howl have similar properties.
Use Roger As Jungler With Heavy Attack

For Roger's build, the first thing to do is make a level 2 jungle item to help deal damage to creeps. After that, Sanz Onic advises you to use Swift boots for attack speed.
After getting jungle items to level 3, focus on buying Windtalker, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair, and Queen's Wings to add some unique passives to Roger's auto attacks.
If you are in the late game phase, Sanz Onic suggests selling Swift Boots or boots to add other physical attack or defense items to improve Roger.
Take Note Of Targets Before Team Battles

With an extraordinary damage output, Roger is a dominant hero throughout the game, but according to Sanz Onci it takes confidence to play the character properly.
Even though fear is not in Roger's dictionary, Vicigers friends must consider the number of opponents who are still alive before starting a team fight. In an outnumbered situation, Roger is better off waiting for backup as he needs a partner during skirmishes.
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Synergy and Counter For Roger

Regarding team composition, according to Sanz Onic, the best companion for Roger is a hero who can play a solid support role such as Khufra, Pharsa, Chang'e, and Valir. Please choose one of these heroes for your team to use in the Land Of Dawn.
When going against Roger, he is one of the hardest heroes to counter. Not many heroes are given the ability to directly suppress Roger, but heroes like Khufra and Harith have proven to be a threat to Dire Wolf Hunter.
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That was how to play using Roger in the style of MLBB Esport Superstar, Sanz Onic. He has proven these pro tips in MPL season 6. You can watch them again on the official MLBB Indonesia YouTube.