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Pro Tips for Using X.Borg MLBB By Onic Butsss, Dominate the Game!

Onic Butsss
Hero that has great damage

Check pro tips using X.Borg MLBB by Onic Butsss that allows you to dominate matches in the Land of Dawn. Continue bro!

As one of the best offlaners in Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) Indonesia Season 6, Muhammad Satrya “Butsss” Sanubari from Onic Esports always appears with his iconic hero, X.Borg.

Onic Butsss shares some great tips that will help you master the Firaga Armor fighter.

How to Play X.Borg Like Onic Butsss

Use Fighter, Flicker and Fire Missiles

Onic Butsss

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

The best emblem that can be used for X.Borg is Fighter. In whatever situation he will face on the battlefield, this emblem is best suited for a fiery hero.

The battle spells used by Onic Butss are Flicker and Arrival for movement, but it all depends on your playing style. If you are still not comfortable using that spell, just use another spell that you are more familiar with.

X.Borg's first skill, Fire Missiles, will be the first to be maximized due to its reliable damage output and easy application.

While her other skill, Fire Stake, is good for zoning, Fire Missiles provides the same zoning effect with continuous damage and a short cooldown (4 seconds). This skill is also a great way to get rid of waves when laning.

Buy the Bloodlust Ax first

Onic Butsss suggests making Bloodlust Ax first so that X.Borg has a solid amount of lifesteal.

After that, you can make Blade of Despair or Hunter Strike so that X.Borg's damage can deal considerable damage to the enemy. Ice Queen Wand can also be an interesting choice for X.Borg to present a slow effect on opponents.

Item changes can be made depending on the composition of the enemy team. If their lineup consists of burst-damage heroes, X.Borg damage items can be replaced with defense items so you can last longer in the long run.

Master This X.Borg Combo

In terms of X.Borg's basic combo skills, it all depends on the situation in the Land of Dawn. In terms of attack and defense, the basic combos are slightly different.

A combination of skills one, two and ultimate can be done when you launch an attack on a certain player. With Last Insanity providing a quick dash before its big explosion, you can easily maneuver low health opponents with it and use your other skills to clear the fight.

When defending, the combination of two skills and the ultimate can be applied immediately. If you see a team of enemies in the same area, X.Borg's ultimate is a great initiator while his Fire Stakes and Fire Missiles deal some additional AoE damage to keep enemies from advancing.

Understand Your Role In The Game

Onic Butsss

When looking at game macros, X.Borg has a slightly different task in the early and late game phases.

After clearing a lane, X.Borg should quickly move to another lane to help with things like double teaming and taking down objectives like Turtle. As a stronger fighter hero, X.Borg is very reliable at starting wars.

In the late game, X.Borg's true damage is hefty and useful, making him the perfect answer for the front line of opponents in clashes.

Also read: Melissa's New MLBB Hero Story and Skill Leaks

Synergy And Counter For X.Borg

If you play with X.Borg, the initiator tank hero with high stun and CC (crowd-control) abilities like Tigreal is perfect for him. In team composition, this duo will provide a formidable front line with some strong damage from X.Borg.

If you play with X.Borg, the initiator tank hero with high stun and CC (crowd-control) abilities like Tigreal is perfect for him.

In team composition, the duo from Onic Butsss will provide a formidable front line with some strong damage from X.Borg.

Also read: The Painful Gusion Build in Mobile Legends, Kill Enemy Heroes!

So, those were the tips for using X.Borg like a pro player Onic Butsss. As we know, Onic Butsss is a very sick fighter hero user. Good luck!

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