You need to listen to tips for mastering the gyroscope in PUBG on this page so that your skills increase. Anyway, you can auto pro with this bro.
PUBG Mobile has become one of the most played battle royale games in the world today. PUBG Mobile has gained immense popularity since its release in 2016.
Being a battle royale game, the main theme of the game is centered around the idea of eliminating all the enemy teams and survive to the end.
A player must be very good with his shooting game to bring down his opponents. There are several techniques that will allow you to perform better in the game and using the Gyroscope is one of them.
What is Gyroscope in PUBG?

The gyroscope in PUBG is a device sensor that helps you to move the screen and scope without using your finger at all. You can only concentrate on your aim and shooting game to take down your opponent in skirmishes.
It's not easy to shoot opponents while using Gyroscope, without knowing some tricks. Here are some tips to master it easily in PUBG Mobile.
Only by moving the HP screen that you are using, you can shoot accurately. Even the current account is very supportive in reducing the recoil of very large weapons such as the AKM. In addition, you will find it easier when using this feature to find enemies.
How to Master Gyroscope in PUBG
Set Perfect Gyroscope Sensitivity

Every PUBG player needs perfect sensitivity settings to appear in the game. However, the Gyroscope's sensitivity setting is completely different from the normal one. You must first select the sensitivity setting to play the game using Giro.
However, this setting completely depends on each player and device. There are several cellphones that do not support using this feature.
Because when you use it, the PUBG game that you play will lag. So, if you use a cellphone or cellphone with RAM below 3 GB, it's better not to use the giro feature in PUBG.

Once you know the sensitivity settings, you'll need to spend a few hours at the practice site to get the hang of it properly. You can go through some regular practice every day to hone this skill. This method will help you to improve your skills and perform better in the game.
Activate Aims

You must activate aim assist, because it is very helpful for those of you who are beginners to adjust aim when shooting at their opponents. This trick helps players by dragging the crosshairs towards the enemy and increasing the chances of getting headshots.
When you don't activate aim, you will find it difficult to get an accurate shot. It would be nice if you still activate the auto aim for your playing comfort.
Also read: 5 Worst Weapons in PUBG Mobile That Pro Players Never Use
Select Attachments

Choose the perfect attachment for any weapon depending on its function in the game. This method will help you to control the recoil while shooting at your opponent too.
You have to be clear to yourself whether you want to use a gun for close combat or long range. The attachment will depend on that only.
Don't just use attachments in weapons. Even if you use auto loot, you need to choose which attachments are used at long and short distances. Because this can affect you in using giro in PUBG.
Hand movements

Hand movements and how to hold your cellphone are equally important for you to perform well in the game when using the gyroscope. You can follow the technique of several PUBG pro players to perform better in hand movements.
Don't underestimate this method, because many early players don't know that hand movements are important for controlling giro. Try to make your hands comfortable while playing PUBG.
Also read: iPhone Vs Ipad: Which Is Better To Play PUBG Mobile?
Those are some tips that you can do to master the gyroscope in PUBG. The more hours you spend in practice, the better you will be at the game.