Valorant Guide Tips: Deathmatch To Improve Aim. Source: VCGamers.
For those of you who need guides, tips & tricks for playing Valorant, you've come to the right place. Playing Valorant requires not only dexterity, but also mastery micros and macros, communication, and much more.
Curious what the author will discuss? Check it out below!
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To be able to play even better, the author has prepared seven things that you must know. These things the writer got from the results of research and playing experience.
Let's immediately refer to the guide and tips for playing Valorant!
An agent is like the character of the player, he must understand and master all the abilities of the agent.
To date, Valorant has issued as much 20 Agents which you can play with four main roles. The four roles are Initiator, Duelist, Controllers, and Sentinel.
Each role has different tasks and abilities. But, even though there are 20 Agents, you just need to know enough. It doesn't matter if you can't master various agents.
What you need to know about each agent is their ability. There are several agents capable of making smoke, detecting enemies, healing friends, and many more.
By choosing an agent according to your playing style, then practicing lots of things, you can become very good at it. Just say it Grim with Sage, Ray4c and Raze, until Average Jonas very good at Sova.
So, getting to know the agents is indeed important, but it's even more important if you can master 1-2 Agents. Proverb says “The one who mastered one martial art was more terrifying than the one who knew all martial arts“. Right, right?
Also Read: Do You Often Solo Rank? Here are 5 choices of Valorant agents that you can use
For the convenience of playing, you can set several things in the game. The two important things are the buttons to control the agents and also the sensitivity.
By default, there are four skill buttons on the keyboard, namely Q, E, C, and X. But you can move these buttons anywhere according to your convenience.
There are no guides or tips for setting this up in Valorant. But if you look at some pro players, they change some buttons like one of their skills using the micro button on the mouse.
The goal is to make it easier for them to issue skills. It's a bit difficult if you use your Drift skill Jett to the right, by pressing E and D for a short time.
It's hard to replace the word Crosshair into Indonesian. But, if described, Crosshair is a tool to shoot enemies so that they are on target.
Setting up the crosshair in Valorant can aim to make you aim well. Remember, just helping. Everything comes back to your ability to play.
A good crosshair is not too big and can still see enemies. Don't let your crosshair block your view of the enemy.
Many interesting crosshair settings that you can find on the Internet, some are in the form of shuriken, boxes, and so on. If you want the author to find and provide the settings, please write in the comments column.
Also Read: Here are the 3 Best Valorant Settings: Mouse, Minimap, and Crosshair Settings
There are 18 weapons divided into seven types. Each weapon has a different fire rate, recoil, ammo, price, and how to use it. all seven types exist Sidearms, SMGs, Shotgun, Rifles, Snipers, Machine Guns, and Melee.
For melee weapons, you can use SMGs, Shotguns, or Rifles (Bulldog). These three weapons have a high rate of fire but a large recoil. In addition, these three types of weapons have relatively low damage if the enemy is too far away.
For medium range, you can use Rifles (Phantom and Vandal) and Machine Guns. The author places Machine Guns at medium distance because they have several preparations, namely at the start of shooting and also the condition of the players.
Machine Guns (Ares and Odin) can shoot bullets that are getting faster and faster with a very large recoil. To maximize his abilities, players must squat while reducing recoil so that they are more directional.
For long distances, the author recommends Rifle (Guardian) and Sniper (Marshal and Operator). These three weapons emit single bullets, but have very painful damage. If hit in the head, the enemy dies immediately.
Lastly are Sidearms and Melee. There are five sidearms or pistols, each of which represents another type of weapon but in a smaller version. Meanwhile, Melee is a melee weapon in the form of a knife.
Also Read: List of Valorant Weapon Tiers, Which is the Best?
This is no less important. To buy weapons and Agents skills, you need Credits. Think of it like money to buy a gun.
Credits will be added at the beginning of each round. The number of credits can change according to the conditions you get:
With a limited number of credits, you must be able to manage how you can win the next round with the credits you have. Problems arise not from the winning side, but from the losing side.
In-game FPS round like CS:GO, there are many terms in spending goods. But to make it easier, there are three terms that are often referred to, namely Full Buy, Force Buy, and Eco.
Full Buy is the term for spending credits to buy complete weapons. Usually those who do Full Buy have a lot of credits and can still buy other weapons when they lose.
Force Buy is a term for players who "force" to buy weapons (usually SMGs or Rifles). It is called that because actually spending credits is even difficult to buy weapons in the next round.
Finally is Eco. Eco is a term for not spending on weapons (or even armor and skills) in the hope of buying a good weapon in the next round. More or less like saving.
It seems that it needs an article of its own and a case study to explain the financial economics of Valorant in a clear and detailed manner. But if it is summarized and shortened, then the explanation will more or less be as above.
Each Map has its own characteristics. Call it Haven with three sites, Bind with a teleporter, Breeze with the widest map size, to Icebox with a snowy feel.
Of course, each Map also has a different shape and you can take advantage of it. For example Map Pearl in Site B which is very suitable for Sniper users or Map Split with many angles that are suitable for close-medium range weapons.
Each Agent also has a different lineup on each Map. For those of you who don't know what a lineup is, a lineup is a term for a method or condition of using skills that benefits your team.
The lineup can be many things, such as placing smoke, positions off-angle, setting traps, throwing enemy detection recon, to throwing Molly.
The two things above are terms that you must understand when fighting enemies later. Wall-bang is the term for shooting bullets through walls or other materials.
In the photo above, there is a difference in the hole made by a bullet. If the bullet can penetrate the material, there will be a black hole. But if it doesn't penetrate, the bullet mark will be gray.
Bullets can penetrate several materials, such as wooden or glass boxes, walls that are not too thick, and in every corner of the wall.
The reason why you should know Wall-Bang is because with Wall-Bang, you can kill enemies and save your team from defeat. You can shoot enemies, over walls, without them knowing.
The next term is Crosshair Placement. Previously the author has mentioned about the Crosshair, but this time it is about the placement of the crosshair so that it can hit the enemy, especially the head.
Crosshair Placement is often associated with feel, instinct, and also the memory of players who can predict the location of the enemy's head or at least the body. It takes a lot of practice and play to get a good Crosshair Placement.
But did you know that it turns out each map has a guideline where the enemy's head is?
Yes, different from Game Apex Legends and Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Valorant apparently has guidelines that can help you predict the location of the enemy's head! The guideline is located on the wall or other ornaments.
As in the two pictures above, it can be seen that there is a kind of "guideline" that can help you estimate the enemy's head. For example, when you become an attacker on the Ascent Map, the enemy's head is aligned with the gate pillar on the Middle Map.
Or when you are a Defender, the location of the heads of the enemies coming from B Main is aligned with one row of bricks below the gray line. For the rest, there are some "guidelines" that are rather thin and cannot even be seen or have to be groped around.
This could be one of the reasons why Valorant pro players play so close to the screen. Apart from paying attention to the pixels that change due to the presence of enemies, they also have to be keen to memorize the guidelines for shooting or doing lineups.
“Nothing makes a job better than practice“.
No one can be good at it in one day. It takes a lot of practice and flying hours to get better.
As a form of support for honing skills, Valorant provides several quick modes. Like Deathmatch to train aim or Spike Rush to train the team in a short time or warm up.
Valorant also provides training against bots at different levels of difficulty. For example like the photo above which can train you to shoot heads. There's also practice against Bots to mount or defuse Spikes.
Those are tips and guides to master Valorant. If you can master all of the above, starting from micro (Agent mastery) and macro (map and game mastery), your chances of becoming a pro player are very large.
Enjoy playing~
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