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Zilong MLBB Gameplay Tips, Live the Dragon!

Zilong Epic

You must be able to play Zilong's gameplay properly and correctly in order to maximize his strength in the Land Of Dawn. So, you should be able to revive the dragon!

As we already know, this hero excels at ambushing enemies while reducing their HP massively using his buffed Basic skills. However, you should need a good understanding of the map to bring out the best from any hero. 

According to Zilong's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Gameplay Zilong Mobile Legends we cover the perfect game plan for early game, mid game and late game.

The Best Zilong MLBB Gameplay

Early Game

Gameplay Zilong

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If equipped with the Retribution spell, proceed to the jungle and go to pick up the Purple buff, then grab the Lithowander creep before moving on to pick up the team's Red Buff.

After upgrading the Retribution spell by taking out at least 5 creeps, one can proceed to the gold lane to attack enemy MMs and pick up Gold Crab.

After successfully ganking the enemy, proceed to get a turtle for your team. But if not equipped with Retribution, continue to the Exp lane and clean up the minions while trying not to act too aggressively on the battlefield.

Just in case the enemy is too greedy to gank on the turret, use Spear Flip to pull them into the turret so the turret will deal extra damage to them. You can do the following combos to get an advantage in the early game.

  • Skill 2 + Basic Attack + Skill 1

Mid Game

Gameplay Zilong

After unlocking Ultimate Zilong, make good use of the skill buff to rotate lanes easily and to fight more durable enemies, mostly fighters than tanks, and also use it to chase dot life enemies.

After getting at least two pieces of equipment, he begins to outperform other heroes because of the high burst damage that can be released in seconds.

To make the most of his burst ability properly, always try to ambush enemies while staying in the bushes, ganking enemies like this will strengthen them against late-game battles.

This Burst ability is mainly due to the high Critical Chance she gains from her equipment as well as her passive Dragon Flurry which makes it easier to trigger Critical damage. Perform the following deadly combos to attack first in the mid game.

  • Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Basic Attack + Skill 1

Late Game

Gameplay Zilong

Zilong's gameplay greatly outperforms other heroes in the late game because he is very proficient in taking down turrets and objectives (including Lords) solo, as well as destroying enemies.

Note that when playing in the late game always prioritize the enemy damage dealer first before entering the battlefield, this must be done to prevent unnecessary deaths, also waiting for the tank to start a team fight as he is not really capable of ganking his own.

You have to be careful with enemy heroes like Tigreal, Natalia and Masha. Because this hero can defeat Zilong easily.

Zilong can be a noob and a burden for the team if you do war carelessly. You have to hide in the bushes or sneak behind to attack the target suddenly, that way there is a high probability that the target will be killed.

Also read: Martis Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Kill Enemies with One Slash!

Never do open war. Let the Tank hero first do the open war and attack the target when there is momentum to kill the opponent's core hero, his attacks are easy to avoid and he will potentially be killed when doing an open war.

You have to target the opponent's hero who is alone, whoever the hero is, be it a fellow Fighter or not, he is very strong in one-on-one duels.

As previously discussed, Zilong is a very strong Assassin/Fighter in the game. An excellent choice for rank play, Zilong is definitely a good choice for the current meta. 

Zilong's gameplay tips will definitely help guide easy wins with him in Mobile Legends. 

Also read: Kadita MLBB Gameplay Tips, Master It This Way!

That's all for today's Zilong Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Would you rather use Zilong's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!

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