Check the post below to find out the best Tigreal gameplay tips on Mobile Legends 2022. Where you can lead your team to Victory.
Tigreal is the leader of the Moniyan Knights in Mobile Legends. In the end, he is the first tank type hero you will get after installing the game. He has a good set of dash skills, CC power, and Area of Effect.
Tigreal is a damage absorber type primary tank. Basically, she can initiate any team fight as her ultimate will gather all enemies and give them a free hug which will cause them to die.
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With the makeover he got in the recent update, he is now even more dangerous than before. If you want to see your name in the most assists category then just pick this Tank and jump into battle.
In this guide, we will take a look at the best Tigreal gameplay tips in Mobile Legends 2022.
The Best Tigreal Gameplay Tricks In MLBB
Tigreal is the right tank, so as a tank you have to help carry (MM/Assassin). If your team takes MM then do a 1-2-2 rotation in the bot-lane with MM, if not support your carry (assassin) in the mid lane (1-3-1).
According to Tigreal's gameplay, we can divide it into two phases. Our Tigreal guide covers the perfect game plan to lead the team to victory.
Early Game

Tigreal's gameplay in the early game is to take a lot of buffs. If you are the only tank hero in the team, then buy a wooden mask. Unlock skill 2 first, help your carry to take the buff.
After taking the buff, look at the minimap and if you have the chance to attack the enemy's buff, do it with carry.
Use your skill 2 properly in this period to prevent enemies. Don't just lead one lane, wander around the bushes to gank enemies.
Try to receive attacks from jungle monsters to activate passive. Don't be afraid to pilot the turret once you get to level 4, you have enough health to knock enemies on their turrets.
But don't do it without team support, keep in mind that you are a damage soaking hero so use your 4 layers of blessings to avoid enemy damage. Use skill 2 and push the enemy towards the team then knock them down for a definite kill.
You can use these combo skills to start the perfect fight:
- Skill 2 + Skill 2 + Skill 3 + Skill 1
You need to remember, you can use the Petrify spell before casting the ultimate or Flicker before using skill 2, depending on the situation.
When you are still in the early game, the focus of your game is to help the core hero when farming or jungling, protect the core hero from enemy attacks and of course open the map frequently. In this phase, don't play bars or open war yet, help the core hero until it really becomes.
Mid/Late Game

At this stage, try to protect your squishy hero from enemies. Always be in front of the carry, if the enemy is doing a carry gank you use skill 2 to push them backwards.
Help teammates by giving them a vision. Maximize your wooden mask into a Shadow mask (or Fortress of Courage) according to the situation.
After completing the outer turret set, try to take the enemy's turtle and gank carry. Hide yourself and your team when poking enemies, although the shadow mask has a longer cooldown.
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In the final stages don't just use the ultimate anywhere, wait for the right moment. After you make a successful initiation with the ulti, the entire enemy team will be wiped out.
To do this the perfect way, first know the enemy's location, lure them towards the team, let them unleash their abilities, and use this:
- Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 2 + Skill 1
You also have to be aware of the heroes Aurora, Badang, Ruby, Pharsa, Odette, Khaleed and Terizla.
You have to play bars and try to lock the opponent's hero movements. What you shouldn't do when you enter the late game is leave your core hero unattended, playing hesitantly.
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That's all for today's guide on Tigreal gameplay in Mobile Legends. Would you rather use Tigreal's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!