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MLBB Minotaur Gameplay Tips, Can Carry a Team!

Hero Support Mobile Legends
Minotaur is a Mobile Legends support hero

Don't carelessly use the Minotaur gameplay MLBB. As a Tank, you have to play properly so you don't become a burden on the team.

The Minotaur got some tweaks recently but the core gameplay remains the same. The Minotaur isn't too tanky in the early game.

He can't tank a lot of damage in the early stages and also doesn't have a lot of cc in the early game. It's best to play it safe in the early game and always rotate with Core or Jungler.

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However, you must need a good understanding of the map to be able to carry the team. According to the Minotaur gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Minotaur Mobile Legends guide covers the perfect game plan to get Victory.

MLBB Minotaur Gameplay Tricks

Early Game

Minotaur Gameplay

As previously mentioned, Minotaur's gameplay is not very strong in the early game. It is recommended to play it passively at the start and aim the tank with Jungler and mage.

He doesn't have a lot of CC skills to save his allies early so it provides better map vision than going head to head against a big team at this stage.

Mid Game

Minotaur Gameplay

Minotaur's gameplay shines mid-game. After unlocking his ult, it will allow him to fill his rage meter.

His Rage can be increased by holding his Ultimate for a while and it will fill up to almost 40 percent rage and his Ultimate Crowed control is unlocked only at full rage meter. 

Always try to keep your rage at or above 50 percent as indicated by Mino's red bar even when idle or when enemies are far from the map.

You can hit some jungle/ministers to allow them to charge up, while Level 4 allows you to charge up manually.

50-60 percent rage meter (half filled) gives leeway to fill up rage in the event of a teamfight, but also provides enough buffer so it won't activate Rage Mode when players don't want it.

Always look at the Mini-map and charge up to 80-90 percent based on the enemy's position and your current objective. With this amount of rage meter, you may be able to dive an enemy and activate rage mode after a few hits or allow quick activation if the enemy initiates.

Late Game

Minotaur Gameplay

The Minotaur is one of the strongest tanks in the late game because of this ultimate CC skill that has a wide range.

He becomes very annoying to deal with, he also gains a lot of HP with items and he is very difficult to kill at full build because of his regen ability.

This provides a sufficient amount of HP to escape bad stations and his teammates also get HP back, which is very effective for surviving longer in teamfights.

He didn't have to return to base to heal. His one and only ultimate can change an entire match at this stage. Always be near teammates.

Think of tanking as territorial, defending teammates, turrets and jungles. As well as defending, lead the battle and seize new territories by killing enemies or forcing them to retreat.

Macro skills are about what is beyond the reach of ability and decision making for short and long term strategy, more than what is happening in front of the player.

It would be better to ping 'attack' when you're ready to use it to alert teammates and make sure to get at least 2-3 damage dealers in the ulti range.

If one enemy damage dealer gets too strong, you might want to make sure they're in your ultimate area.

You need to be careful with enemy heroes like Grock, Diggie, Ruby and Alice. Because this hero is a Minotaur counter hero. 

Also read: Kadita MLBB Gameplay Tips, Master It This Way!

The oldest tank, the Minotaur isn't picked on very often in Low and High Tier matches. He was left behind, due to the difficulty of controlling anger and requiring high training to become proficient with this tank, while other tanks are easy to use and not too difficult to learn such as Tigreal, Hylos, Gatotkaca, and many more. 

Developers make tons of adjustments all the time. Recently, she got a major makeover; the skills are adjusted to suit the current meta.

An excellent pick for ranked play, he's definitely a good pick for the current meta. These Minotaur gameplay tips will definitely help guide easy wins with the Minotaur in Mobile Legends.

Also read: Alpha Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Definitely Win!

That's all for today's Minotaur Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Would you rather use the Minotaur's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!

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