Do not miss! Below are Ling di's gameplay tips Mobile Legends which you must use. You can bring the team to win!
When playing hyper carry, you should always have 2 solo laners on your team and you should always place the carry in the mid lane, in a 1-3-1 formation. This is the best hyper carry position so far.
For Ling, tanks like Lolita, Grock, and Hylos are the best tanks for hyper carry, while mages like Valir, Pharsa, and Lou Yi are the best mages for ling hyper carry.
We will guide Vicigers friends through all the steps for Ling's gameplay and its positioning in Mobile Legends.
Game Ling
Early Game

Start your game by completing the mid minion wave first. Make sure tanks and mages both buy roaming. After completing the enemy wave, look for the healer crab.
After taking the healer crab, you have two options, if the opponent's mid lane is not too strong, attack their buffs without hesitation.
If the enemy's mid lane is strong enough, use your blue buff instead. Make sure the blue buff is maintained because the blue buff is Ling's main source of strength to maintain his energy in the gank. Without the blue buff, you will eventually run out of energy in 3-4 lines.
After the blue buff, take the red buff as well, because it will increase Ling's initial game damage. After taking both buffs it will easily be level 4 so head out to take the enemies. Try to ambush him with team tanks and mages.
Mid Game

In the mid game, the best odds are that the enemy will mount a full defense in most cases. You will definitely come under a heavy mark.
In order to remove the mark, one offlaners must take your place. When pushing the turret lane. If they start to gang up, rush to the gank location as quickly as possible.
If the enemy's HP is 50 percent or below 50 percent, charge without hesitation and secure a kill. Return to the lane after the gank and don't forget to take each buff.
In the mid game, constantly change your location because it is very possible for the enemy to ambush in the first place but never gank alone. Remember you are charging alone is what the enemy wants in the mid game. Don't be careless about it.
Always ask the tank to start first and try to take out the enemies one by one. Try to beat the lord if you dominate the game and finish as fast as possible. Because it will be very difficult to maintain and finish in the late game without mm.
Late Game

Ling's gameplay in the late game, Ling becomes unstoppable but still tries not to get involved alone. If you see an enemy playing solo, try to kill him first. If they have late game heroes like Aldous, Cecellion, and Moskov, tell the tank to tag them first.
Continue to collect buffs and go to the enemy base when the opportunity arises. If the enemy team starts to dominate the late game, tell the Solo laners to stay in the gang and you split push lanes. But don't continue split pushing if your teammates are dying continuously.
Don't let the enemy take the lord, you must take the lord instead. In the late game, do the last gank.
The tank has to engage first, then the solo laner and you engage in the latter and finish the game. The late game is Ling's most important gameplay for the team.
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Positioning Tips

Now to maintain positioning so that the enemy cannot push the turret, one person must always guard the turret. If you are ganking above the Bot laner must rotate to the middle just to remove the wave minion. Then go back to the bot to clean up the wave minion there. This is the basic rotation technique of the 1-3-1 formation.
You also need to push the turret on the lane that you are ganking and that is very important to take advantage of the early game.
After the gank, wait for the blue buff and remove the minion wave in the middle. Secure the blue buff and red buff as fast as you can and go for the turtles. Try to gank and take some kills.
Now always remember when ganking ling can't get involved in a gank first. Ling's job is just to get as many kills as he can in the early game and get back behind the tank and wait for the next target.
When ganking, you may not jump on the tank. Always jump at the damage dealer to immobilize him in the first place so your tank survives. After the gang took out the turtle and asked the offlaner to push their lane too. This is also Ling's gameplay that you need to pay attention to.
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That's all for Ling's gameplay tips in Mobile Legends. Do you have Ling's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!