The following are the best Estes gameplay tips on Mobile Legends 2022 which you can use to get MVP in the team!
Despite being a fair support hero, Estes has the ability to support his entire team during team fights and take down the enemy team. However, you must need a good understanding of the map to bring out the best from any hero.
According to the gameplay of Estes, we can divide it into three phases. Our Estes Mobile Legends gameplay guide covers the perfect game plan for early game, mid game and late game.
Este gameplay
Early Game

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Teammates should try not to pick squishy heroes during the drafting phase as you can't heal them if they take one hit. At level 1, unlock Skill 2 to zone enemies that try to attack allied Jungler buffs or while fighting the first Litho Wanderer.
Unlock next Skill 1 and head to the gold lane to help the team's marksman hero. Turn towards the first turtle next to it to fight over it.
Your early game is not that strong and can be taken down easily if tagged by enemies so players will have to wait patiently to unlock the Ultimate skill at level 4 before engaging in aggressive play.
Mid Game

Always remember that Estes is a Support S-tier hero and not a tank, so don't start a teamfight, let the fighter/XP laner initiate it while Estes heals them from the backline.
Him being dead is a useless responsibility in the team so stay alive and keep allies alive. Always provide vision for teammates.
You can use his Skill 2 to effectively inspect the bushes without going into the bushes to check personally. Rotate between lanes and focus on vision and don't shy away from team fights with Ultimate Estes, not on cooldown.
Late Game

With most of the items now, you can carry the game pretty much with the amount of sustain that can be brought into teamfights. However, choose your fights wisely, don't overcommit unnecessarily if you have no vision to secure. Provides vision for allied core heroes like mm, mage and jungler.
If gameplay Estes uses Blessing of Moon Goddess linking herself to an ally and then using Enhanced Moonlight Immersion on the same ally, she will heal the ally twice immediately with Enhanced Moonlight Immersion instant heal but only one Enhanced Moonlight Immersion will heal over time.
Additionally, if you use Blessing of Moon Goddess and Enhanced Moonlight Immersion on a late ally, it will end prematurely as soon as the Enhanced 8 second period ends.
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However, if you use the latter on herself, she will refresh her duration, continuing to heal herself with healing Blessing of the Moon Goddess over time regardless of whether the Enhanced period ends and Normal Moonlight Immersion becomes available again.
Only during this time could he accumulate Normal Moonlight Immersion's time-to-time healing and Enhanced Moonlight Immersion's extended duration of time on himself.
A hero with high Saber burst potential, Gusion can beat Estes quite easily, especially in games. Even in the late game, these heroes can target and destroy other core members of the enemy before Estes even has a chance to heal them.
Apart from that, Baxia is also a good counter because he can apply an anti-heal effect with his ultimate which can fight against Estes' ultimate in a teamfight scenario.
Luo Yi is also quite good against him as he can easily cc and destroy enemies when they group up in teamfights to benefit from his Ultimate.
You can also build anti-healing items such as Dominance Ice for tanks and fighters, Necklace of Durance for mages and Sea Halberd for marksmen, and several fighter heroes to fight the heals.
Estes is one of the best supports in the game as he is right now. He is the type of hero to be opted for/banned in higher rated games. You can choose Estes for an easy time ranking up bringing teammates to victory with the power of healing powers alone.
However your opponent has got him, try to choose his counter as mentioned in this guide in team comp and don't forget to harass him in the early game.
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An excellent pick for ranked play, he's definitely a good pick for the current meta. These Estes gameplay tips will definitely help guide easy wins with her in Mobile Legends.