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Belerick Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Get MVP Gold!

Jungle Tank Heroes
Belerick. Source: YouTube.

As we already know, Belerick's gameplay specializes in crowd control and regeneration. Belerick gameplay tips Mobile Legends we cover the perfect game plan for early game, mid game and late game. However, you must first understand the skills and what are the best skill combos from him.

Belerick MLBB Gameplay Tricks

Early Game

Game Belerick

Belerick's gameplay struggled in the early game because he needed items, so he really started to shine in the mid and late game. So, in the early game, try to poke and harss as much as possible and avoid teamfights. While roaming also keep providing vision but don't get involved in needless pointless fights.

Once you've built your first defense item, you can start engaging in combat, but still avoid taking direct 1v1 and only engage if you have teammates to follow up with. 

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Use Skill 2 to fight or start a fight followed by Skill 1 taunting enemies to attack you. Follow this with an Ultimate that paralyzes the enemy for 2 seconds. This is the ideal way you should use your skills.

As a Tank Hero, of course, Beerick's gameplay should not be neglected, the core of the hero and the team can be messed up if you play it.

Helping and protecting the core heroes when farming, only following the capacity of the core heroes, using skills to protect the core heroes from enemy attacks. Then, the last one is the frequent open map and also roaming, this is done so that the team is not a gang and that they are killed by the opposing hero. You can't stay in the lane!

Mid Game

Game Belerick

With two or three core items build, Belerick's gameplay can be great in team fights but only if you have teammates to follow up after you.

Use Skill 2 wisely to gank, chase or retreat. The movement speed given by Skill 2 helps Belerick to rotate faster from one lane to another. 

Ultimate Belerick is best used in team fights along with his Skill 1 taunting enemies is ideal for starting team fights and focusing on the opponent's core heroes.

Late Game

Game Belerick

The late game is where Belerick's gameplay really excels, with most of his core items built in, he can bear the brunt of the enemy team and survive safely through the fight.

Provide vision, initiate team fights where teammates can follow up, and most importantly try to protect your team's core damage dealer safely.

Belerick is one of the best tanks that is very useful in teamfights because of his ability to immobilize nearby enemies.

That way you and your teammates can finish off enemies easily. However, playing with Belerick's gameplay requires good teamwork and coordination. 

Also read: Ling's Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Bring the Team to Victory!

Combo Skills

Game Belerick

Belerick's last gameplay tip is combo skill. Combo skills are very important in ML games, the attacks will be in vain and heroes can be easily killed if you are neglected in using skills. 

Chase, the opposing hero uses skill two and then uses a basic attack, then that is the last ability and the last is the skill. Using the guarantee about Combo, the target will not move.

Vision and lock guard against the movement of the opposite hero, don't waste the ability of the opposite hero's tank. Secondly, it is an approach to protect the core of the hero while being a gank, Belerick's job as a tanker is to protect the core of the hero.

Then, the last one is not for open war without enough damage reserves, Belerick can be killed and the attack turns useless if you do solitary warfare.

Therefore, for playing solo, Belerick is not the best choice because other teammates tend to play independently in their respective lanes without paying attention to the team, except during teamfights. The article here will help you on how to maximize Belerick's gameplay in Mobile Legends. 

Also read: Gameplay Change Tips in Mobile Legends, Master the Land of Dawn!

That's all for today's Belerick Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Would you rather use Belerick's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!

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