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10 Tips and Tricks for Valorant Players who are Role Duelist users!

Hello Vicigers, in this article we will discuss tips and tricks for players Valorant who often uses the Duelist role in every match.

Valorant has a wide variety of agents who are assigned different roles such as duelist, controller, initiator, and Sentinel, depending on their playstyle and abilities.

Duelist is the perfect choice for players with an aggressive playstyle who prefer to frag and take their team to sites. They are equipped with a unique set of abilities, which allow them to cause damage to enemies. Duelists are responsible for taking and winning fights single-handedly.

Playing a duelist agent is not easy in Valorant, because Valorant players are expected to carry a team most of the time. A Valorant player needs to master agents and know certain techniques to play the game.

Therefore, this article will guide duelist players through some of the tips and tricks they need to know to dominate their opponents.

Tips and Tricks for Valorant Players who are Role Duelist Users!

Coordinate with other agents

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

Even though the duelists are solo Valorant players, they still need to coordinate with their teammates. Teamplay is one of the main factors in Valorant, therefore, good communication and cooperation can make it easier to win by giving callouts.

Starting a war or attack

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

The task of a Valorant duelist player is to engage in war and take down enemies. They can start a war with the opposing team. Meanwhile, other agents can safely plant or block enemies from entering.

Try to get more kills

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

When playing as a duelist agent like Reyna, kills mean a lot. their abilities allow them to deal high damage and frag in the game. Thus, Valorant players can take more kills. This will also allow them to reach the frag by getting the highest kills in the match.

Ultimate orb control

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

After the Valorant patch 3.0 update, ultimate points have increased for almost all agents in Valorant. In each round, Ultimate Orb is in various corners of the map. Therefore, Valorant players are advised to take orbs to prepare ultimate faster.

Use abilities

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

All Valorant agents have a unique set of abilities. However, many duelist players tend to rely more on fighting weapons than their ability to use them. A player must know the agent's abilities well and use them to win battles easily.

Enter the site to get first blood

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

A player can easily get first blood with a duelist agent. Their capabilities such as Boom Bot Raze or Tailwind Jett allow them to easily enter the site. They can enter the frag and be the first of the team to take down enemies.

Help the team to push a site

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

When rushing to the site, duelist players can engage enemies in direct combat. This will create space for other teammates to enter the site and take control of it. In terms of defense, teammates can fight enemies, while player duelists can start wars and take down enemies.

Get sharp aim

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

Aim is very important in FPS games like Valorant. Duelist agents like Jett and Reyna mostly have to rely on gun fights because their abilities don't cause damage like Raze.

Their abilities allow them not to be killed but it is unlikely that their abilities can take down enemies. Therefore, there are certain situations when duelist players need to get the right aim.

Help your team to win more in attackers round

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

The Attackers round is very important for duelist players because it is the right time to shine. Duelists have the ability to allow them to step into the frag and win the fight easily. Therefore, duelists can help teams win more raid rounds in Valorant.

Also read: Jett, Brilliant Windbending Agent From Valorant! #language agent 4

Playing aggressive duelists is the best choice for players who play aggressively.

Tips dan Trik Untuk Para Player Valorant pengguna Role Duelist!

Their ability toolkit is designed to initiate direct combat with the enemy. Duelist players can easily dominate rounds aggressively.

Also read: Raze, A Duelist With Explosive Skills That Makes The Enemy Go Awry! #language agent 8

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