Alhaitham is a new character presented by Genshin Impact at the start update 3.4. This time we will review the Alhaitham Genshin Impact build.
As Dendro DPS, Alhaitham has a new mechanic which of course requires how to build characters, teams, rotations, and various other things that you have to take into account.
Therefore, these tips for building Alhaitham Genshin Impact are expected to enable you to optimally unleash Alhaitham's power!
Also Read: Build Alhaitham Genshin Impact: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons, and Team Comps
Tips and Tricks for Build Alhaitham Genshin Impact
Maximizing Alhaitham's Character Ascension

Genshin Impact characters are known to be able to maximize the character ascension level up to level 90 or 6 ascension times.
Many players feel that it is enough to level up the character to level 80 only. That's because the last ascension usually requires a lot of materials.
Though, in the case of build Alhaitham, you must maximize character ascension.
Because, this will help Alhaitham get the required stats more optimally to deal great damage.
Prioritizes Elemental Mastery Stats over ATK

Alhaitham's build as one of the DPS in Genshin Impact certainly follows the stat composition of DPS characters in general, such as Childe or DIluc. However, there is a vital stat that distinguishes Alhaitham from other DPS.
You must have the highest amount of ATK, Crit DMG, and Crit Rate in the appropriate ratio.
However, Alhaitham needs more Elemental Mastery stats than the ATK that is usually needed by DPS to optimize Elemental Skills and Elemental Burst.
If you look at the scale percentage comparison for Alhaitham's Chisel-Light Mirror mechanic, the damage will use a percentage calculation based on ATK + Elemental Mastery.
The more Chisel-Light Mirrors produced, the greater the Elemental Mastery scale used compared to ATK.
Even though the ATK stat is very important for DPS, you should prioritize Elemental Mastery as a stat for Alhaitham.
You can work around this by using Elemental Mastery artifact goblets to optimize Alhaitham's Elemental Mastery stats.
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Less Energy Recharge Stats

One of Alhaitham's weaknesses is that it has a very long cooldown.
Elemental Skill Alhaitham will use 16 seconds to be used again.
In addition, Elemental Burst uses a fairly large Energy Cost of 80 to use.
Even though this problem can be solved if you have the Alhaitham constellation, not all players are able to get the constellation.
So, you have to be smart in compiling the stats needed by Alhaitham, especially those related to the Chisel-Light Mirror mechanic.
Chisel-Light Mirror is Alhaitham's talent mechanic that generates the most damage.
The easiest step is to use Elemental Burst to get the maximum number of Chisel-Light Mirror mechanics.
To make it easier for you to use Elemental Burst with a short duration, you must maximize the Energy Recharge stat on Alhaitham.
In Tips for building Alhaitham Genshin Impact this time, VCGamers recommends that at least the Alhaitham that you build has an Energy Recharge of 150.
Mastering the Chisel-Light Mirror Mechanic

As previously explained, Alhaitham's gameplay that generates damage is the Chisel-light Mirror.
The maximum number of Chisel-light Mirrors that Alhaitham can have is 3, which has the most damage compared to the other numbers.
Therefore, the next tip from VCGamers is that you really have to master the mechanics to get the maximum number of Chisel-Light Mirrors.
In addition, you must be able to utilize the maximum number of Chisel-Light Mirrors for as long as possible or until you can use Elemental Skills or Elemental Burst again.
The tip for building Alhaitham Genshin Impact is that you have to memorize when you will get the maximum number of Chisel-Light Mirrors by taking advantage of their rotation.
Rotation Using Alhaitham's Talents

Alhaitham's talent rotation plays an important role in Alhaitham's damage mechanic.
Rotating the use of talents such as Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst is something you should pay attention to in using this character from Sumeru to the fullest.
Good gameplay rotation will make the Chisel-Light Mirror mechanic optimally utilized to produce damage.
There are 3 Alhaitham gameplay rotations that VCGamers recommends so that the Alhaitham build is more optimal.
The first Alhaitham gameplay rotation tip is Elemental Burst > Normal Attack > Elemental Skill rotation.
This rotation is the most used by players because it can produce a maximum of 3 Chisel-Light Mirrors when you start playing.
When you start, you will get 3 Mirrors. Attack with Normal Attack until the Mirror's duration runs out.
Use Elemental Skill or if you already have Elemental Burst again, choose to use Elemental Burst.
The second rotation is using the Elemental Skill rotation sequence (hold) > Normal Attack > Elemental Burst.
You use this rotation if your Elemental Burst doesn't have energy yet. Hold on Elemental Skill functions so that you get 2 Mirrors so that your attack has a lot of damage.
Also Read: Build Yaoyao Genshin Impact: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons, and Team Comps
Those are various Alhaitham Genshin Impact build tips that you can apply. For those of you who want to get Alhaitham, you can save from now and buy a trusted Genesis Crystal for gacha at VCGamers Marketplace yes!