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Important 10 Tips To Not Too Soon In PUBG Mobile

These tips not to be too soon on PUBG Mobile can be one of your references when playing battle royale. Here's the review
Tips for Not Too Soon in PUBG
PUBG Mobile

For those of you who play Battle Royal games like PUBG Mobile. It is undeniable that Too Soon is a problem for every player. These tips not to be too soon in PUBG Mobile will definitely be one of the good insights. So, from that, see the following article.


PUBG Mobile is the most competitive battle royale game in the world. Everyone or other gamers have played this one game. Tips so you don't go too soon at PUBG Mobile can be one of the things you should know.

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Anticipating is the most important thing. Tips not to be too soon at PUBG Mobile are often used by many players to follow up on the continuation of a riveting game. Here are 10 tips so you don't go too soon on PUBG Mobile version of VCGanks!!!


What Does Too Soon Mean

Before reviewing tips so that it won't be too soon on pubg mobile, we have to know what the word too soon means. Too Soon is taken from the English word which means too soon or too early.

Yup, of course too soon is likened to you dying too fast so you can't continue the game until WWCD (Winner Winner Chicken Dinner). Now, this is very unfortunate for you. Many impacts occur such as decreased points, decreased kill death and many more.

So from that the tips so that you don't go too soon on PUBG Mobile on this one will definitely have a big impact for you to play in the in-game later.

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10 Tips For Not Too Soon In PUBG Mobile

These tips not to be used too soon in PUBG Mobile so you can minimize this. Because the thing called too soon is very bad in the team and will affect you too. 

You can avoid this in the following ways. The following are 10 tips so you don't go too soon at PUBG Mobile.

  • Get off in a safe place

For those of you who are agile and fast, of course it is very good to land in a safe place. With a safe place you can freely do looting quickly.

Surely this is very good to do for those of you who are new to playing PUBG Mobile. Make sure you always look at the map, so you can find out the situation and conditions around the map.

  • Get Down Quickly

With you going down faster than your opponent, it's certainly very profitable. The first landing can certainly have a very open opportunity for you to pick up one of the attachments or weapons that can be used to eradicate enemies.

234 KM/Hour is a good and fast way to get off, of course, faster is better and the landing is not careless. This is certainly very impactful for you so you don't fight over taking loot.

  • Get off in a place with a lot of looting

Lots of weapons and lots of loot can certainly kill you too soon. Tips so you don't go too soon in PUBG Mobile, you need to take this one into account. Because not everyone can get off where there is a lot of looting.

Surely this loot can be your material in pouncing on enemies. You can use weapons so that you avoid looting. So, get off at a place with a lot of loot like the following map.

Erangel : SMB, Georgopool, School

Sanhook : Bootcamp, Paradise, Mine

Miramar : Pecado, Hdp, San Martin

  • Crash AIM

For those of you who want to be successful at playing PUBG, you have to pay attention to harden it

your AIM. AIM is one of the weapons that you have to do in the In Game. Tips

So that PUBG Mobile won't be too soon, you have to use this one for the better again.

Harden AIM and increase AIM in practice and ranked mode. You need to be even better at positioning as well as a very good AIM. You also prioritize existing mechanical skills and tips so that PUBG Mobile won't be too soon, of course it's good for you.

  • Prioritize Highgrounds

Prioritize your foreground. You have to master the high ground well. By mastering the high ground you can see your friends and opponents around you so you can be more effective and better.

By mastering the high ground you can also minimize your death rate in the in-game. Make sure you and your team are skilled at cracking and positioning on the high ground.

  • Always Ready Smoke

Always have utilities ready, such as boom and smoke. Especially smoke, by using smoke you can trick the enemy. Pushing the enemy and running away from the enemy's onslaught.

Bring at least 1 – 2 smoke for those of you who get role support, of course you will bring more smoke compared to the others. Tips not to be too soon in PUBG Mobile this one is very efficient in managing the tempo.

  • Don't be barbaric

It is recommended for you when playing PUBG Mobile, don't do bar gaming. So you can be more flexible in carrying out attacks and defenses.

By playing bars, you will definitely be in a hurry to kill. Tips so that you don't go too soon on PUBG Mobile are highly recommended for those of you who are still newbies in playing PUBG.

  • Be patient

Patience is a tip so you don't go too soon at the next PUBG Mobile. Those of you who play patiently will definitely have a small percentage of dead. Need to think about 2x actions so you don't get shot or something.

  • No Campers!

Don't do campers. Because it will be dangerous for you. Those of you who do camper will definitely find it difficult to move and stiff in playing the game.  

Often - often to do clean shoots or rotations and look at the map so you can find out the flow and path of the game.

  • Frequent Back Up

Another tip not to be too soon in PUBG is to frequently back up. This is definitely very important for you and your team to protect each other.

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