Being a fairly OP character, of course you need to know tips against Kenta FF so you can overcome enemies using that character.
As you all know, Kenta FF is a new character that comes along with its release update patch OB33 Free Fire.
The presence of a character who has blacksmithing skills adds to the line-up of characters with cool abilities Free Fire.
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Kenta FF has a good ability by creating a shield to protect against enemy attacks.
With Kenta's skills like that, it will definitely make it difficult for you to attack to penetrate his Shield.
Don't worry, we'll give you some tips to fight back Kenta FF which you can apply later so you can fight it easily.
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Tips Against Kenta FF

Even though this new FF character has pretty good Shield skills, that doesn't mean Kenta doesn't have any openings to attack.
For those of you who are still wondering how to deal with Kenta FF, just follow the discussion below.
Use High Damage Weapons
The first tip you can do to fight characters with the Swordsman Wrath skill is to use weapon which has great damage.
Therefore, you can choose an Explosive weapon like the M79 as an alternative against Kenta, even though the Shield will also reduce the damage of this weapon.
The M79 weapon is one of the weapons that players often choose, and there's nothing wrong with using this against Kenta.
When you want to attack with this weapon, you should attack below, not directly at Kenta's body so that it gives a strong explosive effect.
Install Gloo Walls
The next tip that you can try against Kenta FF is to use a Gloo Wall to trick him.
You have to prepare yourself to fight at close range when dealing with players who use Kenta.
When this new FF character releases his skills, use 1 or 2 Gloo Walls to trick him. Apart from that, you also need to make sure you have an area where you can avoid Kenta's attacks.
With the Gloo Wall to distract him, this will make Kenta attack you and will definitely cause his Shield to no longer work.
Moments like that will of course be a golden opportunity for you to fight Kenta FF because there is no defense.
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Focus on Kenta's Movement
Apart from using Explosive and Gloo Wall weapons, you also need to focus and pay attention to every movement of the character with this blacksmith skill.
The reason is, Kenta has quite aggressive and dangerous moves even when he hasn't used his skills yet.
Apart from that, paying attention to the enemy's movements is basically something that is important enough to be able to recognize their every move.
Attack when Kenta's Shield is Lost

The next tip that is no less important for fighting Kenta FF is to wait for Kenta's Shield to disappear before starting to attack him.
There are several occasions where the Shield made by Kenta will disappear. Some of these moments such as the Shield time that has ended, gun shots, or Kenta starting an attack while the Shield is still there.
So, you can wait for the Shield until it can disappear to start an attack and not attack first while the Shield is still active.
However, when Kenta starts the attack first, his Shield can be lost and you can use this moment as an opportunity to fight Kenta. But still, it comes back to your close combat abilities.
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Attack from a Distance
Trying to attack from a distance is one of the tips you can do to fight this new FF character.
With this attack, Kenta can already cast his skill in the form of a Shield to block your attacks.
However, his Shield, which has received several shots from you, will surely gradually decrease and may enter his body.
Use Character A124

Another tip for fighting Kenta in Free Fire is to use the character A124 who has strong and big abilities.
Apart from that, this character can also be an alternative counter to face a number of other characters, including against Kenta.
This character is equipped with active skills related to HP and EP regeneration and is able to produce an explosion of electromagnetic waves.
The A124 skill will inactivate the enemy's skills if it hits him and can also cause great damage to the enemy.
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Strike Back
The last tip for you to use when fighting Kenta FF is to attack backwards.
As you know, the Shield which is a strong defense for this character is at the front. So, attacking him directly towards the back can be your target.
That way, it will be difficult for Kenta to fight back and inevitably he has to remove his Shield. When there is no defense, you can attack it.
The Shield's position can actually be moved, it's just that it will take a long time when the position is indeed pressed.
So, those are some tips against Kenta FF that you can use as a reference when playing later.